How to delete site?

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  • #114782

    How do you delete a site?  The new installation came with a helloworld site by default and I would like to remove.

    Also, how do you change the default site that was set during installation?

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  • Author
    • #114783
      Keith McLeod

      To set the default go to options–> root preferences and select the site you wish to be your default site under “Default Site”.

      For helloworld, you can go to your root directory <something>/cis19.1/integrator/server and remove from the environs setting the path to helloworld in your server.ini file.


      goes to


      This removes it as a selection choice only and can be added back in if you choose to by reversing the process

    • #114784
      James Nelson

      1.  Remove the site from the ‘environs=’ line in the $HCIROOT/server/server.ini file
      2.  Delete the $HCIROOT/helloworld directory tree
      3.  To change the default site, change the ‘site=’ line in the $HCIROOT/rootInfo file
      4.  Restart your host server

    • #114785
      Paul Bishop

      You probably don’t have anything in the helloworld site, but make sure to stop all threads and daemons before removing the site.

      Paul Bishop
      Carle Foundation Hospital
      Urbana, IL

    • #114831
      Charlie Bursell

      A simple script I wrote a long time ago to remove sites.  Put in contrib directory

      For Windows, add .htc suffix/

    • #114832
      Charlie Bursell

      A simple script I wrote a long time ago to remove sites.  Put in contrib directory

      For Windows, add .htc suffix/


      Note: Would not let me upload script.  So remove .txt after download

    • #114833
      Charlie Bursell

      STILL would not let me upload!  So here is script.

      !/usr/bin/env tcl

      # This script will prompt for a site name then remove that site directory and
      # remove the site from the server.ini file.

      # The user must have read/write permissions to the site directory and all of
      # the files within or the site delete will fail.

      proc main {argv argc} {

      global env argv0 tcl_platform

      # The get the root path
      set root $env(HCIROOT)

      # The name of the procedure
      set myname [lindex [split [file tail $argv0] .] 0]

      # Test for a single argument
      if {$argc != 1 || [string equal -nocase [lindex $argv 0] -h]} {
      puts stderr “\nUsage:\t$myname <sitename>\t Where:”
      puts stderr “\t sitename = Name of site to remove\n”
      exit -1

      # Get site name
      set site [lindex $argv 0]

      # Validate that the site exists
      if {![file isdirectory [file join $root $site]]} {
      puts stderr “\n$myname: Site $site does not exist in $root\n”
      exit -1

      # If not sure, bail out now!
      puts stdout “\n$myname: WARNING!! This is a very dangerous command!”
      puts -nonewline stdout “Site $site will be removed from $root. OK? \[n\] ”
      flush stdout
      gets stdin ans

      # If any response other than Y{es}, bail out
      if {![regexp -nocase {^Y} $ans]} {
      puts stdout “\n$myname: requested exit – done\n”

      # Tell em what we are doing
      puts stdout “\n$argv – Attempting to remove $site directory from $root\n”

      # Attempt to remove the site directory
      if {[catch {file delete -force [file join $root $site]} err]} {
      puts stderr “\n$myname: Cannot remove site $site\n$err\n”
      exit -1

      # Site directory was removed. Now remove site from server.ini

      # Path to server.ini file
      set svr [file join $root server server.ini]

      # A regsub pattern of the site to remove
      # Note that the entry will end with ; unless the last entry
      # + = 0 or 1 instances of the preceeding character
      set pat “[file join $root $site];?”

      # If on windows, use backslash
      if {[regexp -nocase — {^WIN} $tcl_platform(os)]} {
      regsub -all — {/} $pat {\\\\} pat

      # Read the server.ini file
      if {[catch {read_file -nonewline $svr} inidata]} {
      puts stderr “\n$myname: Cannot open $svr – $inidata\n”
      exit -1

      # regsub out the site entry

      if {![regsub — $pat $inidata {} inidata]} {
      puts stderr “\n$myname: $site not found in $svr file. $svr not changed\n”
      exit -1
      } else {

      # Write the modified server.ini file back
      if {[catch {write_file $svr $inidata} err]} {
      puts stderr “\n$myname: Cannot replace $svr – $err\n”
      exit -1

      # All done
      puts stdout “\n$myname: $site successfully removed\n”

      main $argv $argc

    • #114837

      Thank you.

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