how to create test message for testing tool

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  • Creator
  • #55619
    Albert Sinha

      How to create test message for testing tool.  Help appreciated.

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    • Author
      • #85924
        Albert Sinha

          can I do a smatconvert to an NL file and then use it as a input DATA for testing tool ?

          Really appreciate any help.

        • #85925
          Jim Kosloskey

            If you have messages in SMAT which represent the messages you want to test with then yes just extract using the SMAT tool to either a new line terminated or length encoded file.

            If there are many messages I want to test with I put each message in a file – I find that easier to work with.

            If there are no existing messages maybe because this is a new source system and there are no messages to be had, you can actually use the Xlate and the Xlate Testing tool to craft a test message according to the Source System’s spec. Save the message in the Testing tool to a file then use that file to test the new Xlate.

            This is a technique I cover in my Xlate class.

            email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

          • #85926
            Albert Sinha

              C:cloverleafcis6.0integratortestalexecprocessesfr_paragon>hcismat -i C:c


              g -orsf c:cloverleafparagon_15100.txt -nl

              hcismat: Invalid argument bad variable name “::SMAT::argArray(TARGET)”: upvar wo

              n’t create a scalar variable that looks like an array element

              usage: hcismat -i filename ?-pri priority? ?-nl? ?-reply? ?-ib? <mes

              sage selection criteria>

            • #85927
              Jim Kosloskey

                Why not use the SMAT GUI tool to find, select, and extract the messages?

                email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

              • #85928
                Albert Sinha

                  Thank you Jim,  I was also wondering how to do it in NL as by default it is len10.  Thanks again

                • #85929
                  Jim Kosloskey

                    Well I think there is a script provided with cloverleaf which will convert len10 encoded records to nl.

                    I don’t recall the name but I think it is len10tonl or something like that maybe someone else can give the correct name if that is not correct.

                    After doing the GUI SMAT extract, use that script from the command line to convert to NL.

                    However, the Xlate testing tool can use len10 files inbound.

                    email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.

                  • #85930
                    Steve Williams

                      The script is and lives in the contrib directory.

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