How do I use TPS to the name of the file that fileset is currently processing?

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf How do I use TPS to the name of the file that fileset is currently processing?


  • Creator
  • #118568
    Jay Clements

      Hello all –


      Simple question but its not something that I’ve ever done before. I have a file-set that will be picking up files as they are dropped in. I would like to get the name of that file and then use that as the TRXID in order to correctly route to xlate vrl->vrl.

      How would I access that information?




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    • Author
      • #118569
        James Cobane

          I believe getting the message metadata from the DRIVERCTL will get you to the info you need:

          msgmetaget $mh DRIVERCTL

          Then within that list there should be additional keys for the fileset protocol and filename

          Hope that helps.

          Jim Cobane – Henry Ford Health System


        • #118570
          Peter Heggie

            Then on the thread’s input tab, set the TrxID Determination Format to UPOC, and click Edit to get the “usual tps screen”. Select the TPS you just built using Jim’s directions. The input to the TPS is the msgid. What you return to the system is not a DISPLIST but is a single string – this string is the actual TrxID assigned to this message.

            Peter Heggie

          • #118572
            Paul Bishop

              We do a similar thing for picking up files and transferring them.  Where the files are routed depends on parts of the name.

              To expand on Jim’s entry:

              set keyed_name [msgmetaget $mh DRIVERCTL]  ;# pulls out the file information

              set filepath [keylget keyed_name FILENAME] ;# pulls out the path and file name

              You could combine those into one command if you want – your preference

              Once you have that, you parse it out (either use the “file” commands or manually split it), pull out the portion you want, and set the trxId value.  Make sure to set a default value in the trxId or the message will error out.  This is all in a UPoC type of trxid.  Peter explained how to enable it for the thread.


              Paul Bishop
              Carle Foundation Hospital
              Urbana, IL

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