Quovadx 5.2 on AIX, VRL => FRL
I am creating a msg based on each of a VRL line, and the requirement for output file(FRL) is:
msg1: orderHeader (ends with n, Newline)
msg2: orderLineItem1 (ends with n)
msg3: orderLineItem2 (ends with n)
msg4: orderLineItem3 (ends with n)
msgN: orderLineItem10 (ends with nr, Newline and Carriage Return)
I mannually put an nr by:
set msg LNE;${msg}nr
lappend msgList “CONTINUE [msgcreate -type data $msg]”
but in the output, I didn’t see the r.
My questions is:
1. How do I create msgs end with n and msgs end with nr?
2. When I do a msgcreate, does the engine automatically puts an n at the end of it?
Attched is my code, Thanks guys!
Good day,
Sam ^^