HL7 to HRL flat-file output Iteration

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf HL7 to HRL flat-file output Iteration

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  • Creator
  • #119493
    Matthew Brophy

      We have an HL7 input being output to a single-line flat-file.  We have an HRL that combines multiple VRLs (per segment).  The input is lab results, so the OBX repeats and is needed to repeat the result component string (component name + result + uom) for as many OBX segments are available.


      We haven’t worked with this type of output before and didn’t want to leave it to assumptions on how it should behave.

      • If the VRL is defined as a repeat, would the destination simply use the group iteration variable, or would an output loop variable need to be defined?
      • Will there be a limitation on VRL repeats (not being able to return an unlimited amount of OBX components)?

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    • Author
      • #119498
        Charlie Bursell

          I am confused.  If you have HL7 input why are you using HRL.  Why not simply use HL7?

        • #119501
          Matthew Brophy

            desired output for EMR for historical imports…

            rather than repeat a VRL, planning to iterate over the HL7 and return the multiple values in a concatenated output

          • #119512
            Jim Kosloskey

              You would use your IB OBX Group Counter for the HTRL VRL repetition reference.

              The HRL specification at the VRL reference for repetition would depend somewhat on your data would actually look like. If you have some control over its structure, I would suggest using a ‘segment ID field’ as the first field of each VRL (something like ‘OBX’).

              If you do not have such control and depending on what release of Cloverleaf you are on you may be able to just produce as many as necessary with no ‘ID’.

              email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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