HL7 extract to VRL

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf HL7 extract to VRL

  • Creator
  • #49104
    Tim Hallbauer

      Hi All,

      I am trying to work with an HL7 transcription extract from a legacy system in order to maintain the data because of regulatory issues. When I get to the transcription portion in the OBX, the data coming out from the HL7 – VRL translation stops at the first space which is encountered in the transcription so I only get the first word? Nothing I change seems to have any affect? I must be missing something really easy? 🙄

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    • Author
      • #60739
        Robert Kersemakers

          Hi Tim,

          Your problem has ‘LIST’ written all over it…  ðŸ˜ˆ

          You need to check whether you handle transcription portion as a list: it should be one list element containing the complete text. I think you don’t handle it as a list, so the complete text is seen as a list of separate words and only the first word is processed.

          So check how you handle the text. I always put in some extra ‘echo’ statements in my tcl-procs to see if the proc does what it should do.

          Hope this helps!

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #60740
          Tim Hallbauer

            Thanks Robert,

            I am just trying to copy the contents of OBX;5 in a translation HL7 – VRL, without any TCL procs. It’s strange because there are several messages in the file I am using. The first one works but everything after that doesn’t.

          • #60741
            Robert Kersemakers

              Hmmm, that IS strange…

              I would check what exactly is copied by the COPY statement. Insert the following tcl-code in pre-tcl of the OBX-5 COPY statement:


              echo “In: <$xlateInVals>“

              Then run the translation through the testing tool with the file you mentioned to see what is coming into the COPY statement. This should give you a lead on what is going wrong.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

            • #60742
              Tim Hallbauer

                Thanks again….I’ll try that

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