HL7 2.5

  • Creator
  • #50507
    Gary Atkinson


      I have implementation which uses the 2.5 std.  For MSH:9 they have data type as CM.  In version 2.5 the data type CM does not exist.  In cloverleaf it has MSH:9 data type field as MSG.  I don’t have the 2.5 standard guide.  What are the subcomponents of data type field MSG?  What other data type can be used for MSH:9?



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    • Author
      • #66385
        Michael Hertel

          From the 2.5 manual:


 MSH-9 Message Type (MSG) 00009

          Components: ^ ^

          Definition: This field contains the message type, trigger event, and the message structure ID for the message.

          Refer to HL7 Table 0076 – Message type for valid values for the message type code. This table contains values such as ACK, ADT, ORM, ORU etc.

          Refer to HL7 Table 0003 – Event type for valid values for the trigger event. This table contains values like A01, O01, R01 etc.

          Refer to HL7 Table 0354 – Message structure for valid values for the message structure. This table contains values such as ADT_A01, ORU_R01, SIU_S12, etc. .

          The receiving system uses this field to recognize the data segments, and possibly, the application to which to route this message. For certain queries, which may have more than a single response event type, the second component may, in the response message, vary to indicate the response event type. See the discussion of the display query variants in chapter 5.

        • #66386
          Gary Atkinson

            Do you know where I can get a copy of 2.5 manual for free  ðŸ˜‰

          • #66387
            Michael Hertel

              Not if I want to keep making my mortgage payments I don’t.. 😛

            • #66388
              Gary Atkinson

                Alrighty…I’m going to ping some people in my organization.  I’m sure someone has a hl7.org membership.  ðŸ˜€

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