Help with alerts

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  • Creator
  • #52167
    George Kulz

      Hi all

      I’m having a major problem setting up a particular alert in my Cloverleaf 5.5  environment. I’m not familiar with alerts to begin with so bear with me.

      What I want is an alert set up to generate a text message in a file for every time there is inactivity on a thread over a certain period of time (say 15 minutes). So the way I set up this alert is as follows:

      Alert Type: Inbound queue depth

      Source: hbocip

      Source Count: Any

      Comparing: == 0

      Duration: N Seconds   5

      In the action tab, I’m simply appending a text message to a file.

      Once this alert was set up, after the first 15 minutes, a text message was generated, but since then, I haven’t seen any others. I know from what I’ve read elsewhere on this forum that an alert is only triggered once and that’s it. However, I thought that if the queue depth was greater than 0 and then returned to 0 again, after 15 minutes, the alert would produce a message again. This is not the case, however.

      Does anyone know how I can accomplish this in Cloverleaf 5.5? I understand that later versions have more options available, but I’m stuck with what I’m stuck with.

      Thank you.

      George Kulz

      Senior Java Programmer

      Information Services

      Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island

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    • Author
      • #73274
        mike brown

          HI George

          You might want to use a “last received” alert and make it seconds or minutes, for example

          if last message received has been for 60 secs or 60 mins send an Alert or what ever you desire it to be.

          using zero for inbound queue depth is not valid for inactivity because it is using seconds or minutes to calculate, if i am reading you question correctly.

          I hope this helps

          Mike Brown

          cloverleaf 5.7 rev2

        • #73275
          George Kulz

            Thanks Mike. That seems to work, at least when using a notification window. Now I’m trying to figure out how to print a line out to a file every time the alert occurs, and I’m not having much luck with that. I’ve tried a couple different ways. The first way, I set up an exec to simply append a message to a file, like this:

            “This is a test.” >> /opt/quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/test/data/alert_file

            This didn’t seem to work at all. So then I tried writing some simple code using tcl, like this:

            set fileId [open /opt/quovadx/qdx5.5/integrator/test/data/alert_file a]

            puts $fileId “This is a test.”

            close $fileId

            This didn’t seem to work either. Any idea on what I might be doing wrong? Does this have anything to do with not having permission to write to the directory I’m specifying? Although I don’t know why that would be the case since the file in question is set to read/write/execute for all, and it’s owned by hci and the group idenfier is set to staff, which should be fine for any file Cloverleaf needs to access I thought.

            Any suggestions? Is there a better way I can be doing this instead?


          • #73276
            mike brown

              Hi George

              If you want to receive an email or text you have to set up a table to be called by a proc in the ALERT window… ex.

              I have set this up in my GUI window

              alertNotify_v4.tcl 009 AlertSNAlink.tbl “FYI PROD INVISION RTIF MPH from CERNER — Show in ERROR, The thread will restart every 30 mins, if monday morning update is run” “%A”

              i set up code like AlertNotify_v4.tcl 009 is the argument to send the Alert 000 will not send an Alert.

              the AlertSNAlink.tbl has all the phone numbers and email addresses to send to.

              I also created a txt file which is called by the AlertNotify_v4.tcl code, if you want the code let me know and you can modify to your environment.

              I hope this helps

              Mike Brown

              cloverleaf 5.7 rev2

            • #73277
              George Kulz

                Thank you Mike, I would like to see this code. I appreciate all of your help.


              • #73278
                Kirby Knight

                  I too would like to see this code, could you post it here?

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