Help- Strange backslash issue

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Help- Strange backslash issue

  • Creator
  • #54401
    Shu Chen

      Hi clovertecher,

      I am doing a simple script for PV1:3.1. if PV1.3.1 is empty, copy pv2.23.1 here in xlate

      if PV1.3.1 input value contains backslash, it got removed.

      for example. input “HTN”, output is displayed as “HTN”. I need to display as is. (“HT|N”). I echo the value and the value is correct. Don’t know why it got removed it.

      Really hope someone could give me some uggestions.

      please find my code and test output attached.

      thank you

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    • Author
      • #81330
        Jim Kosloskey

          I am not sure why you are using Tcl for this.

          Simply use an IF Action checking the field in question equal to @null.

          If true COPY the appropriate field to the destination.

          As for your Tcl xlateOutVals is a list and you are not treating it as such.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #81331
          Shu Chen

            hi jim,

            thanks for your advise. it work great!


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