The splitX12 package indicates that one can specify GS or ST as an argument in order to control whether the GS set of the envelope is in the metadata or the message.
By default it uses GS.
The X12 variant for the 997 message (and for that matter the 278) does not have the GS/GE segment set defined and so the usage should be ST for splitX12.
The only supplied proc I see for deploying the slpitX12 package is hciX12split interchange. That proc invokes splitX12 with two arguments. The message handle and the mode.
I do not see where the is an opportunity for recognition of an argument for splitX12 inside hcix12splitinterchange.
Has anyone got this to work?
Is this a flawed version of hciX12splitinterchange or are we expected to modify it to our needs?
What am I missing here?
email: 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.