Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf $HCIROOTDIR/Tables

  • Creator
  • #53261
    Daniel Lee

      Cloverleaf 5.8 on Windows server

      I know how to use the master site.  But, I’m also able to drop tcl procs in the $HCIROOTDIR/tclprocs and they will show up in all my sites.  Does anyone know if that’s supposed to work for Tables?  I drop tables in $HCIROOTDIR/Tables and they do not show up for use in my sites.  (i.e. I open an Xlate and add a Table action and none of my tables are there)  I can do it using the Master Site functionality but was just kind of wondering why it didn’t work of the root directory.

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    • Author
      • #77082
        Jim Kosloskey


          I don’t think that was ever possible.

          What we used to do before the Master Site was available and before we set up our own Master Site was to put the Table (for example) in HCIROOT/Tables then symbolically link from the actual site Tables directory for the entry to the HCIROOT/Tables directory Table entry.

          One problem with using the HCIROOT object directories (including tclprocs) is with implementing a new release you objects go away. So you need a method to back them up and replace and relink them.

          Master Site is really the way to go in my opinion.

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #77083
          Mark Thompson

            Cloverleaf provides a number of system tables in $HCIROOTDIR/Tables including a states.tbl (linking state abbreviations to state names).

            The tables do not show up in the Site Manager GUI, or Xlate dropdown lists, but you can enter the table name directly into the Xlate Table box.

            As Jim said, Master Site is the preferred method.

            - Mark Thompson

          • #77084
            Daniel Lee

              We just moved some of our tcl procs and varients into our master site that we recently created.  Our Xlates can see the tcl procs and the variants but when we try to to compile the Xlates they error complaining that the tables do not exist.

              Is there something we have to cycle to get it to recognize the master site?

            • #77085
              Alice Kazin

                Did you cycle the site that is using the table from the Master site?

              • #77086
                Daniel Lee

                  What do you mean by “cycle the site”.  We brought down all the processes within the site and brought them back up again.  We also stopped and started the Monitor D.  But when we compile our Xlates they still can’t see the Tables.  Inside the Xlate we can see the tables in the drop down lists.  It just can’t see them when we compile.


                  ——- FAILED ——-

                  [0:TEST] Unable to load TBL ‘RaceCode_frAllscripts.tbl’
                  [0:TEST] Cannot resolve table ‘RaceCode_frAllscripts.tbl’ side ”
                  [0:TEST] Unable to compile statement ‘
                  { OP TABLE }
                     { ERR 0 }
                     { IN 0(0).PID(0).#10(0) }
                     { OUT 0(0).PID(0).#10(0) }
                     { TBL RaceCode_frAllscripts.tbl }
                     { SIDE {} }

                • #77087
                  Alice Kazin

                    When we modify or add a file (tclproc, Table) in master site, we restart the process which is using this file.   “Purge caches” doen’t seem to work.

                    Are you using the master site to store other files?

                  • #77088
                    Jim Kosloskey

                      Hmmm I am on Cloverleaf 5.6 and Purge Caches seems to work for me even for Master Site Tables.

                      I will do a more specific test.

                      email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                    • #77089
                      Daniel Lee

                        No, we have the Xlates in the specific sites that use the Xlates but we have “certain” tables in the master site.  When we try to complile the Xlates they complain that they can’t find the tables in the master.

                      • #77090
                        Daniel Lee

                          We have a support call open with Cloverleaf.  I’ll let you know the answer when we figure it out.

                        • #77091
                          Paul Bishop

                            three years later – did you ever figure this out?

                            Paul Bishop
                            Carle Foundation Hospital
                            Urbana, IL

                          • #77092

                            When you first enable the master site, you must bounce everything, hostserver, daemons, and processes.

                            -- Max Drown (Infor)

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