I haven’t changed my alert definitions, but under the new version I keep getting error “Process hcimonitord of site xxx is dead” in combination with an alert defintion that checks if there is a Error Database Delta on a number of threads.
This used to work perfect under the old version. Whenever there were 1 or more new errors on a thread the alert mechanism would start a batch that used hcidbdump to dump the content of the error(s) in an email.
But now, all I get is a “Process hcimonitord of site xxx is dead” alert.
The alert seems to work okay if I create an alert that only checks the error database delta for a single thread.
I couldn’t find any usefull info in the hcimonitord.log and alert.log files.
I haven’t removed the old v5.8.6 from my win2008 server yet.
This is the alert definition that doesn’t work anymore:
{ NAME ErrorDB_change }
{ GROUPS error }
{ VALUE errdb }
{ SOURCE {adt_arta adt_clinicalassistant adt_cyberlab adt_delphic adt_emadows adt_epdvision adt_ezis adt_glims adt_hotlab adt_mediscore adt_mediscore_neo adt_oldelft adt_oncdoc adt_pacs adt_pattel adt_poct adt_sqlkoppel adt_sqlserver adtq_comez01 adtq_comez02 adtq_comez05 Eigenlijst_ADTq orf_preop_ezis qry_preop_metavision siu_clinicalassistant siu_epdvision siu_hotlab siu_naar_ezis siu_rath siu_van_ezis} }
{ MODE delta }
{ WITH -2 }
{ COMP {> 0} }
{ FOR once }
{ WINDOW */*/*/* }
{ exec {e:cloverleafalertscloverleaf_alert lumc_patient “%N” “%G” “%R” “%V” nvt “%A”} }
} }
LUMC -Leiden University Medical Centre
The Netherlands