hciguitcptest.exe work independently

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf hciguitcptest.exe work independently

  • Creator
  • #51499
    Todd Horst

      I would like to test the tcp/ip connection for one of our csc clients. However the tool that comes with cloverleaf will not work outside of the clgui folder.

      So i tried copying hciguitcptest.exe to my desktop and run it, it wont. However as long as its in integratorclgui or any number of subfolders it works.

      On my desktop it only needs C:Documents and Settingsthorst02Desktopintegratorstartup and the clgui with just the executable to work. However i tested on a box without cl loaded and it did not work. It was giving a java not found error. So i installed the latest version of java and that didnt work.

      Does anyone know how to get this working, or does anyone use a different free tcp/ip testing tool?


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    • Author
      • #70519


          I frequently use HL7 Browser to test TCP/IP connections which appears to be a subset of the HL7 Comm tool which I have not used yet. It works fine when testing between CL and windows based systems.

          http://nule.org/wp/?page_id=62” class=”bbcode_url”>http://nule.org/wp/?page_id=62

          The above link will take you right to the page to download.



        • #70520
          Jim Kosloskey

            There is a command line perl script (I think it is perl) called hcitcptest that I use before I do anything on Cloverleaf.

            We do use it in the Cloverleaf environment on AIX. I don’t know if it comes with the Windows version of Cloverleaf but if it does I don’t think it needs the Cloverleaf environment. Worth a try.

            email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #70521
            Russ Ross

              Jim your suspicion that hcitcptest is a standalone perl script and will work on a non-cloverleaf UNIX box I believe is correct.

              I have FTPed a copy to another AIX box that wasn’t running cloverleaf and was able to use it on the back end to test connectivity, which is handy indeed.

              Having said that be aware that hcitcptest might be copy right protected so I deleted it once I was done with testing on the non-cloverleaf AIX server.

              I don’t do widnows either but I wouldn’t be surprised if the hciguitcptest.exe is nothing but a fancy wrapper around the backend hcitcptest perl script.

              I didn’t even know about the hciguitcptest.exe front end and have always just used the backend hcitcptest perl script.

              Russ Ross

            • #70522
              Todd Horst

                So i tried writing my own. I couldn’t get the perl one to work on windows. Its actually quite easy to write with vb.net or c#.


                I did try this application and it sort of worked but it seemed pretty flaky. My version already works better than this.

                In any case, i can connect to my application from another instance of my application, and i can connect to several other sample ones I’ve found online. However, when acting as the server (listener) I set up a client thread in cloverleaf and the thread will not connect to my pc. They can ping each other from command line, so i believe it is program thing. To further prove that one of the samples i found online will allow the thread in cloverleaf to go into an up status but then it immediately goes into connecting, and then it goes back to up etc etc.

                Does cloverleaf do anything special when its trying to make a connection?

                If you would like to view my code you can check out these two samples online which is very easy to understand what they are doing.

                Microsoft’s samples:



                Independent sample:


                Any help would be appreciated. If i could see a tcl sample of what CL is doing that would also help. I tried studying the perl script but unfortunately I am not experienced at all with perl.

              • #70523
                Russ Ross

                  Your posts started reminding me of a free tool for runiing a TCP/IP client or server on windows that is free and might take some of the worry out of wondering if the problme is it the TCP/IP tool that is borken or something else.

                  Here is a URL that will send you off on yet another tangent should you choose to fork down that road.

                  https://usspvlclovertch2.infor.com/viewtopic.php?t=3913&” class=”bbcode_url”>https://usspvlclovertch2.infor.com/viewtopic.php?t=3913&

                  Russ Ross

                • #70524
                  Todd Horst

                    Thanks russ, even though its the same developer that seems to be a little more stable.

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