This is a BUG on ALL platforms introduced since 5.7 when multiple processes separated by commas were allowed. hcienginestop is broken. Replace the stopProcess proc with this:
# stopProcess – Stop the engine using progressively meaner tactics
sub stopProcess {
local( $pid );
local( @procs) = ();
local( $flag) = 0;
local( $proc_len);
$proc_len = @opt_proc;
foreach $p (@opt_proc) {
if ($proc_len > 1) {
print “Stopping process $p n”;
if( ($pid = &getHciEnginePid( $p )) == 0 ) {
print “Process ‘$p’ is not runningn”;
# First try sending it a “die” command
print “Trying hcicmd…n”;
if ($onNT) {
if( system( “hcicmdnt.exe -p $p -c “. die”” ) ) {
printf STDERR “hcicmd failed!nn”;
} else {
if( system( “hcicmd -p $p -c “. die”” ) ) {
printf STDERR “hcicmd failed!nn”;
if (( $len = @procs ) != 0) {
@opt_proc = @procs;
# Give it time to die
$flag = &waitForAll();
} else {
$flag = 0;
#For flag, the true means there are some processes which are still running
if ( $flag ) {
#There are some processes which are still running
# On Windows, try SIGKILL
if ( $onNT ) {
foreach $opt_p (@opt_proc) {
$PidFile = “$Pwdir/$opt_p/pid”;
print “Now trying SIGKILL…n”;
kill( ‘KILL’, $pid );
unlink( $PidFile ); # remove the pid file
print “Process ‘$opt_p’ is not runningn”;
return 1;
# On NUIX, try SIGINT first
foreach $opt_p (@opt_proc) {
# Now try SIGINT
print “Now trying SIGINT…n”;
if( kill( ‘INT’, $pid ) == 0 ) {
print STDERR “Unable to send SIGINT: $!n”;
if (&waitForAll()) {
#There are some processes which are still running
#Try SIGKILL then
foreach $opt_p (@opt_proc) {
# Now try SIGKILL
print “Now trying SIGKILL…n”;
if( kill( ‘KILL’, $pid ) == 0 ) {
print STDERR “Unable to send SIGKILL: $!n”;
if (&waitForAll()) {
#There are some processes which can not be killed
foreach $opt_p (@opt_proc) {
print “nUnable to stop process ‘$opt_p’!n”;
return 0;
if ($proc_len > 1) {
#All processes are not running
print “All Processes are not runningn”;
return 1;