Unfortunately, the Cloverleaf GUI (v6.1) still does not take as a command line arg. This topic has been covered in the past and some basic windows scripts have been posted to manipulate the last_environ key value pair in the C:….integratorclientclient.ini file before calling hciaccess on your local Windows based workstation. Of course, if you are using xTerm, these scripts will not help you much.
Already have a script to load multiple sites by virtue of changing the client.ini file with a delay between each. I was hoping for a new process on this.
Part 2 of this same question would be to have the last view saved. In particular this is for operations. They tend to close and configure the view in a way that is different from the rest of us up to and including showing the grid view without the site or lauchpad view….
Check out AutoHotKey. I wonder if you could create an AHK script that will open to a specific site? I’ve just recently starting using AHK, so I may try to mess around with AHK + CIS soon.