having trouble with ACK

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf having trouble with ACK

  • Creator
  • #48745
    Mason Miller

      I have a vender that needs the value in MSH-10 to be valued in MSA-2 on the ACK when I send a ACK it only sends MSA-1. what am I doing wrong.  



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    • Author
      • #59557
        Don Gilchrist

          How are generating the ACK?

        • #59558
          Mason Miller

            I am putting this proc in the TPS inbound Data field If thier is an easier way to do this or a better way let me know.

            proc create_hl7_ack { args } {

               keylget args MODE mode               ;# Fetch mode

               set dispList {} ;# Nothing to return

               switch -exact — $mode {

                   start {


                   run {

                       keylget args MSGID mh

            set msg [msgget $mh]

            if {[cequal [crange $msg 0 2] “MSH”] && [llength [split $msg “r”]] > 1} {

            set acktype AA

            set disptype “CONTINUE”

            } else {

            set acktype AR

            set disptype “KILL”


            set ack [lindex [split $msg “r”] 0]

            append ack “r” “MSA” [cindex $msg 3] $acktype “r”

            set ackh [msgcreate -type reply $ack]

                       lappend dispList “$disptype $mh”

            lappend dispList “OVER $ackh”


                   time {


            shutdown {

               # new mode added by C:hciroot3.8.0Pbinhcitpsconvert.htc on 20020327082942


                   default {

               error “Unknown mode ‘$mode’ in create_hl7_ack”



               return $dispList


          • #59559
            Jim Kosloskey


              You need to modify your proc to build a compliant MSA. Check the HL/7 guide for a description of how an MSA should be used.

              Jim Kosloskey

              email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #59560
              Robert Kersemakers

                Hi Mason,

                I’m using a script called ‘gc_genHL7OrigModeACK’ to generate an ACK, where you can specify the sort of ACK that needs to be send.

                I thought this script was delivered with Cloverleaf, but if you don’t have it, I will ask our vendor whether I can share this code.

                Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

              • #59561
                Mason Miller

                  I do not have that.  It would be great if you could share.



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