Hardware for Red Hat Linux

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Hardware for Red Hat Linux

  • Creator
  • #121757
    Jeff McLandsborough

      We’re moving from AIX to Red Hat 9 and newest version, 2022.09.x, and I would like to know how many CPU’s and how much memory others are using.  The recommendations in the documentation, Cloverleaf Integration Services Hardware/Software Requirements, in not very informative.  Our AIX servers are configured with a lot more memory than what is “recommended.”

      Thanks for any information.

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    • Author
      • #121758
        Thomas Morris

          Hi Jeff,

          We made the jump from AIX to RHEL 7.x a few years ago; here are the specs for our server:

          CPUs: 8, Memory: 16GB


          We’re currently running RHEL 7.9.

          Our Cloverleaf version is (migrating to the INFOR cloud solution in late spring 2025)


        • #121759
          Jason Russell

            RHEL 8.10, CIS2022.09.03. 8 CPUs, 32GB of RAM. We’re still migrating to the servers. We’re debating skipping 9 and going to 10, but it probably depends on the next version support.

          • #121771
            Robert Kersemakers

              We are currently on RHEL 8.10 with CL19.1.2. Test: 4 CPUs and 16 GB RAM; Prod: 8 CPUs and 32 GB RAM.
              We also have two RHEL 9.2 environments with CL2022.09.02 in Azure, as we will migrate from SAP to HiX in June 2025. Same specs.

              In Azure though we started with smaller specs: 2 CPU and 8 GB RAM for Test en 4 CPU and 16 GB RAM for Prod. But Test wasn’t able to start because of the limited resources, so we returned to the specs we have at the moment.

              Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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