HA – Automated Cluster Failovers

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf HA – Automated Cluster Failovers


  • Creator
  • #118747
    Michael Brande

      Has anyone here done a full failover (using HA) successfully with no manual intervention?


      If so, about how long does that process occur?


      Any issues with recovery database corruption when doing this?

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    • Author
      • #118749
        Jay Hammond

          If by manual intervention you mean at the Cloverleaf level, we have.  We’re on AIX 7.1.5 and Cloverleaf 6.2.2, and have application scripts that we point the HA software to that shuts down Cloverleaf cleanly and then starts it back up when the failover is complete.  It takes from 2-5 minutes for the failover to finish, and then 10-15 minutes for the Cloverleaf sites/processes/threads to all start back up (10-15 sites, 500-600 threads depending on test or prod environment).  We’ve had zero issues with DB corruption when doing this.


        • #118756
          Devika Agarwal

            If you are on CIS 19, the scripts are available to you. Let me know if you’d like more details.


          • #118761
            Peter Heggie

              We have never had a system-level event where HA automatically failed over. But we have many times used the HA console on AIX to initiate a failover and it has completed successfully without further intervention. Total time from initiation to threads up and running on the backup server was about three minutes – three shared file systems, network adapters w/virtual addresses, and nine Cloverleaf sites with 100+ threads.

              Peter Heggie

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