group names

  • Creator
  • #50238
    David Barr

      What is the “group names” field used for in NetConfig?

      We’re thinking about using it to group threads together for the purpose of documentation.  In other words, we’d have a script that builds our documentation index from the NetConfig file, and if they share a group name, we could have them refer to the same document in our documentation.

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    • Author
      • #65292
        Jim Kosloskey


          The group name is so that you can group threads together for the NetMonitor.

          You can then display just the threads belonging to the same group even if they cross processes and take action against all the threads as a single group such as starting/stopping, putting on hold, setting the EO Config, etc.

          In 5.2 Cloverleaf(R) which we currently have deployed, there are some gyrations you need to go through to get the groups to appear in the NetMonitor and the display can be somewhat disjointed  if the site is very large and the threads of a group cross multiple processes.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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