GRITS 2.0 (GA DHEC) Inbound Reply

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf GRITS 2.0 (GA DHEC) Inbound Reply

  • Creator
  • #121574
    Lisa Nanney

      Has anyone implemented the new GRITS 2.o interface for GA DHEC?

      We receive the ACK and query response through the same thread so I ignore the ACK for the vaccine message and process the query response.  The tcls that I use were written by Infor.  Now, it doesn’t want to pick up the httpResponseCode so that I can ignore the ACK.

      I’ve attached my old tcl (ws_grits_ibreply) and the new one (ws_GRITS20_ibreply).

      This is my tcl error:

      [0:TEST] Tcl error:
      msgId= message0
      proc= ‘ws_GRITS20_ibreply’
      args= ”
      result= ”
      errorInfo: ‘
      can’t read “httpResponseCode”: no such variable
          while executing
      “if {($httpResponseCode >= 100) && ($httpResponseCode <= 299)} {
                     regexp — {<return>(.*)</return>} $reply {} hl7_reply
      echo <…”
          (procedure “ws_GRITS20_ibreply” line 37)
          invoked from within
      “ws_GRITS20_ibreply {MSGID message0} {CONTEXT sms_ib_data} {ARGS {}} {MODE run} {VERSION 3.0}”‘
      <No active handles>
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    • Author
      • #121578
        John Mercogliano

          Hi Lisa,

          Keylget will not create the variable if the key does not exist, so this tells me that there was no response code in the userdata. If I’m understanding you correctly, they are sending two messages for each message you send.  One ack and one data message.  In that case, the data message would not have a response code and you will need to have additional logic to handle that.

          John Mercogliano
          Sentara Healthcare
          Hampton Roads, VA

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