What I would like to do is send only the first one through and skip the remaining for that mrn to reduce load. I can accomplish list be writing out a temp file for the first message received, send on the ADT, when I get the next message, I can see if that file already exists, and if it does, kill message. Straight forward….
However, it seems that a global in Tps proc would work instead of all the extra disk io. In startup mode, set prevMRN {}. In run mode, grab mrn from message (set currMRN to value in PID-3), compare to prevMRN. If same, skip message, if not, continue message and set prevMRN to currMRN. Logic is easy. Syntax on the global, not so much. I’m lacking the knowledge.
First off, can this be done using a global in a single Tps? If so, where to define prevMRN and how? The currMRN is defined in run mode when I grab PID-3. I’m just can’t seem to get proper sysntax around prevMRN correct.
Help!!! To quote a movie, “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves up.”