Getting dispList error and I have a variable it states it can’t read…

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf Getting dispList error and I have a variable it states it can’t read…

  • Creator
  • #119377
    Tom Gilbert

      Hello All,

      two questions:

      1. I get the following error when I do a test on a tclproc:

      sourceFilter /quovadx/cis5.8/integrator/kdtest_miln/tclprocs/tps_infor_deltaden_inscvg.tcl: Failed to source filtered file: can’t read “dispList”: no such variable

      What is the best way to fix this.

      2. I keep getting an error that example ‘can’t read ‘per05′; no such variable’

      I have remmed out all that I can find in the tcl proc and yet it still appears. Anyone have this happen and what did you do…:)

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    • Author
      • #119378
        Jay Lontoc

          Did you initialize any variables in the start mode? If so, you’ll have to select “Initial Startup” in the TPS Testing Tool. Otherwise, check your variables and make sure they are not commented out.

          • This reply was modified 3 years, 2 months ago by Jay Lontoc.
        • #119380
          Keith McLeod

            Is the code shareable so we can see what possibly is occurring?

          • #119381
            Tom Gilbert

              Here is the tcl proc…

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            • #119384
              Charlie Bursell

                I ran mktclindex on this on my Windows box with no source filter problems.
                If you are on Unix I would suggest you check for embedded CR. This happens a lot when moving a Windows file to Unix.

              • #119385
                Gene Millard

                  You are missing a close bracket in the if ctr = 13 section

                  if {$lenaddr2 = 0} {
                  set newn302 “”
                  } else {
                  You did not close this if statement
                  The other problem is with these statements.
                  regsub -all [)(\-]} $per03 “” per03
                  regsub -all [)(\-]} $per05 “” per05

                  The Guthrie Clinic
                  Sayre, PA

                • #119386
                  Tom Gilbert

                    Thank you for all your help. I looked over that a million times. appreciate everything…:)

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