Generating NTE segments based on the value of OBX|3

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  • Creator
  • #48129
    Arslan Khan

      Hi all,

      I am in need of generating NTE segments from other vendor lab results based on the value of OBX|3. Currently, Lab system is sending data type of ‘FT’ in OBX|3 and results comments in OBX|5. What I want is to process OBX|3 and if it is data type ‘FT’, generate a new NTE segment with NTE|3 copied over from OBX|5. Also, I have to generate multilpe NTE segments if OBX|5 has a character length of > 80 (inbound system has a limit of 80 characters for NTE|3 field).

      What is the best approach to accomplish this? Should I use tcl or can it be done using an xlate? What issues might result in using this approach?

      Any ideas? Does any one has ever encounter such scenario?

      Any insight on this issue is highly appreciated.



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    • Author
      • #57737
        Rentian Huang


          try putting a CALL under an ITERATE on the group level.

          hope this helps!

          Sam  8)

          ITERATE: OBX  %g1

          IF: IF OBX-3 eq “FT”


          set OBX5 [datget [xpmfetch $xlateId 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX(0).00573] VALUE]

          if {[string length $OBX5] > 80} {

          set pos 0 ;# reset position

          while {$pos < [string length $OBX5]} { xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE(0).00098} c [string range $OBX5 $pos [expr $pos + 80]] incr pos 80 } } else { xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE(0).00098} c $OBX5 }

        • #57738
          Arslan Khan


            Thanks for your guidance. I partially got it working.

            If OBX|5 has a length of <80, it is working with no problems. The problems comes when OBX|5 is more than 80 characters in length. The current CALL statement is only generating 1 NTE segment with partial result comment values.

            Do you have any idea where we have to tweak the code?



          • #57739
            Rentian Huang

              Try this one  – Sam


              ITERATE: OBX  %g1
              IF: IF OBX-3 eq “FT”

               set OBX5 [datget [xpmfetch $xlateId 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX(0).00573] VALUE]
               if {[string length $OBX5] > 80} {
                 set pos 0; set cnt 0        # reset variables
                 while {$pos < [string length $OBX5]} {      xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE($cnt).00098} c [string range $OBX5 $pos [expr $pos + 80]]      incr pos 80, incr cnt    }  } else {    xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE(0).00098} c $OBX5  }

            • #57740
              Arslan Khan

                Still getting the same result…. only 1 NTE segment with NTE|3 populated with the remainder of (total length of OBX-5)/80.

                Is there a way to echo out xpmstore values inside the while loop?


              • #57741
                Rentian Huang

                  Are you using the Xlate testing tool? Try toss a few echoes and see what you got, I have never tried that thou..


                • #57742
                  Arslan Khan

                    The echo’s are displaying correct informartion but some how xpmstore is not storing that information in NTE segments (or may be overwriting it with new information on each iteration!)

                    Any ideas?

                  • #57743
                    Rentian Huang


                      Can you post the code you used inside the CALL?


                    • #57744
                      Arslan Khan

                        Call Statement (as provided by you)

                        OBX5 [datget [xpmfetch $xlateId 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX(0).00573] VALUE]

                        if {[string length $OBX5] > 80} {

                        set pos 0

                        set cnt 0

                        while {$pos < [string length $OBX5]} { xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE($cnt).00098} c [string range $OBX5 $pos [expr $pos + 80]] incr pos 80 incr cnt } } else { xpmstore $xlateId {1(0).1(0).1(%g1).NTE(0).00098} c $OBX5 }

                      • #57745
                        Rentian Huang

                          It takes a few tests for me to figure out some tricky errors. try this code, it works on my testing tool.

                          Hope this works on yours.

                          Sam   8)


                          ITERATE: OBX  %g1
                          IF: IF OBX-3 eq “FT”


                          # Generate a new NTE segment with NTE|3 copied over from OBX|5.
                          # Also, generate multilpe NTE segments if OBX|5 has a character
                          # length of > 80 (inbound system has a limit of 80 characters for NTE|3 field).

                          set var [lindex $xlateInVals 0]
                          set OBX5 [lindex $xlateInVals 1]

                          set addr {1(0).1(0).1(group).NTE(count).00098}
                          regsub group $addr $var addr

                          if {[string length $OBX5] > 80} {
                          set pos 0; set cnt 0
                          while {$pos < [string length $OBX5]} { regsub count $addr $cnt addr xpmstore $xlateId $addr c [string range $OBX5 $pos [expr $pos + 79]] regsub "NTE..." $addr {NTE(count)} addr incr pos 80; incr cnt } } elseif {[string length $OBX5] > 0} {
                          regsub count $addr 0 addr
                          xpmstore $xlateId $addr c $OBX5

                        • #57746
                          Rentian Huang


                            is ~ your repetition delimiter in the encoding character?


                            Coooooolllllll!!!!!! It worked!! 🙂)

                            I had no idea what you did, but it is working. Amazing!

                            BTW, my lab is sending “~” in OBX 5 to indicate a new line for notes/comments. Is it possible to generate NTE segments based on that “~” value?

                            Like if we receive the following OBX-5:

                            “POSITIVE~Due to the intermittent nature of~  gastrointestinal bleeding, it is recommended~  that fecal specimens on consecutive days be~ tested.  The patient should be placed on a meat~  free, high bulk diet beginning 72 hours prior~  to testing and continuing through the test~ period. All foods containing blood, such as meat and meat~  extracts, should be avoided, as well as turnips~  , horseradish and other foods containing~  peroxidase-like substances.”

                            Your translation will generate something like:

                            NTE[1] = Due to the intermittent nature of

                            NTE[2] = gastrointestinal bleeding, it is recommended

                            NTE[3] = that fecal specimens on consecutive days be

                            NTE[4] = tested.  The patient should be placed on a meat

                            NTE[5] = free, high bulk diet beginning 72 hours prior

                            NTE[6] = to testing and continuing through the test

                            NTE[7] = period. All foods containing blood, such as meat and meat NTE[8] = extracts, should be avoided, as well as turnips

                            NTE[9] =   , horseradish and other foods containing

                            NTE[10] = ~  peroxidase-like substances.

                            Can it be done using the same CALL statement?


                          • #57747
                            Arslan Khan

                              Coooooolllllll!!!!!! It worked!! 🙂)

                              I had no idea what you did, but it is working. Amazing!

                              BTW, my lab is sending “~” in OBX 5 to indicate a new line for notes/comments. Is it possible to generate NTE segments based on that “~” value?

                              Like if we receive the following OBX-5:

                              “POSITIVE~Due to the intermittent nature of~  gastrointestinal bleeding, it is recommended~  that fecal specimens on consecutive days be~ tested.  The patient should be placed on a meat~  free, high bulk diet beginning 72 hours prior~  to testing and continuing through the test~ period. All foods containing blood, such as meat and meat~  extracts, should be avoided, as well as turnips~  , horseradish and other foods containing~  peroxidase-like substances.”

                              Your translation will generate something like:

                              NTE[1] = Due to the intermittent nature of NTE[2] = gastrointestinal bleeding, it is recommended NTE[3] = that fecal specimens on consecutive days be NTE[4] = tested.  The patient should be placed on a meat NTE[5] = free, high bulk diet beginning 72 hours prior NTE[6] = to testing and continuing through the test NTE[7] = period. All foods containing blood, such as meat and meat NTE[8] = extracts, should be avoided, as well as turnips

                              NTE[9] =   , horseradish and other foods containing

                              NTE[10] = ~  peroxidase-like substances.

                              Can it be done using the same CALL statement?


                            • #57748
                              Jim Kosloskey

                                If the OBX-5 is a repeating field as indicated, then there is no need to use Tcl.

                                Simply iterate over the repeating field and creat an NTE with each repetition.

                                Jim Kosloskey

                                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                              • #57749
                                Arslan Khan


                                  Yes. We are using “~” in our encoding charaters.

                                  I am thinking of cleaning all the “~” values from OBX-5 using a regsub command. It should fix the problem then.

                                  What do you think?


                                • #57750
                                  Rentian Huang


                                    I think Jim gives a great idea. If the OBX-5 is a repeating field as indicated in your HL7 favor, a simple ITERATE on the field level will do it.


                                  • #57751
                                    Arslan Khan


                                      I am little confused here. Each lab results with a data type of “FT” comes with a unique instance of OBX-5.


                                      OBX|1|2|FT|4|Result comments and notes in this field||||

                                      Currently, LAB is sending notes and comments with ‘~’ to represent a new line, like:

                                      OBX|1|2|FT|4|POSITIVE~Due to the intermittent nature of~  gastrointestinal bleeding, it is recommended~  that fecal specimens on consecutive days be~ tested.  The patient should be placed on a meat~  free, high bulk diet beginning 72 hours prior~  to testing and continuing through the test~ period. All foods containing blood, such as meat and meat~  extracts, should be avoided, as well as turnips~  , horseradish and other foods containing~  peroxidase-like substances.||||

                                      My guess is if I am able to remove all the ‘~’ using a regsub command, I should be able to using “SAM’s” CALL statement to generate multiple NTE segments.

                                      Correct me if I am wrong in this interpretation.



                                    • #57752
                                      Jim Kosloskey

                                        That Tilde indicates repetitions of that OBX field. You do not need any Tcl. Just do an ITERATE on the field and create an NTE for each repetition.

                                        Jim Kosloskey

                                        email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                                      • #57753
                                        Arslan Khan

                                          Using iterate over the OBX field, I was able to generate NTE segments. My solution works for the first OBX segment and as soon as it hits the second OBX (of type FT), I receive only one NTE segment from that OBX-5 field.


                                          Type = group

                                          Basis = 1(0).1(0).1(0)

                                          Variable = %g1

                                          Inside Iterate, IF 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.570 EQ FT

                                          After IF,


                                          Type = field

                                          Basis = 1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX.573

                                          Variable = %f1

                                          — Now I copy OBX-5 to NTE-3

                                          COPY 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.573(%f1)



                                          Do I have to do another iterate on OBX segment to generate all NTE’s from OBX-5 field?

                                          Any ideas?



                                        • #57754
                                          Jim Kosloskey

                                            Is your COPy to the FTE within the ITERATE on the OBX field?

                                            It should be.

                                            Jim Kosloskey

                                            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                                          • #57755
                                            Arslan Khan


                                            • #57756
                                              Jim Kosloskey


                                                From our conversation the correction is to place the group counter appropriately when setting the basis for the field ITERATE.



                                                Type = field

                                                Basis = 1(0).1(0).1(0).OBX.573

                                                Variable = %f1



                                                Type = field

                                                Basis = 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.573

                                                Variable = %f1

                                                The secret is we always need to define the iteration hierarchy as we progress down the hierarchy.

                                                Jim Kosloskey

                                                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                                              • #57757
                                                Arslan Khan

                                                  Thanks to Jim’s timely intervention, I was able to get all the NTE segments.

                                                  Modified solution is once again listed below for clovertech community:


                                                  Type = group

                                                  Basis = 1(0).1(0).1(0)

                                                  Variable = %g1

                                                  Inside Iterate, IF 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.570 EQ FT

                                                  After IF,


                                                  Type = field

                                                  Basis = 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.573

                                                  Variable = %f1

                                                  — Now I copy OBX-5 to NTE-3

                                                  COPY 1(0).1(0).1(%g1).OBX.573(%f1)



                                                  and again sincere thanks to Sam and Jim.

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