Generate Message Upon XLT failure?

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  • Creator
  • #49957
    Chris Blair

      What’s the best approach?

      When a message fails in the engine because of field size limitations or any other reason, I would like to generate an HL7 message based on the orginating message. Is there anyway to capture an error event into tclproc?

      Thanks in advance.

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    • Author
      • #64251
        Jim Kosloskey


          Are you saying you want to have a Tcl procedure invoked if a COPY Action (for example) fails?

          On most Xlate Actions you have three choices if there is an error. By default it is set to ‘Skip’ and I don’t know if I have ever used anything else. The other options are ‘Pad’ and ‘Error’.

          I believe ‘Error’ will cause the message to be sent to the Error DB but I don’t think there will be much in the way of information to tell you why the error occurred. Moreover, there may be other errors lurking in the message but because it errors on the first it finds, you willl need to resubmit the message multiple times.

          My thinking is once you have done exhaustive testing, there should be little likelyhood there are any issues related to the handling of the message (such as improper lengths) such that an Xlate would error.

          Jim Kosloskey

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #64252
          Chris Blair

            Thanks Jim,

            Since I have little control over what gets sent in and there could potentially be hundreds of sites connecting — I was looking for more of a hands off approach — just tell ’em what was bad and and move on.

            I guess if there are no other suggestions… my best option may be to do some tclproc validation on the incoming message and respond that way. I just have to know what to look for.

            Thanks again, Chris.

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