FTP – thread to pull doesn’t attempt to connect

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf FTP – thread to pull doesn’t attempt to connect

  • Creator
  • #49326
    Tom Patton

      I’ve been staring at this for too long – tried so many things and still can’t get this working – so I hope you can see something I am not seeing.

      I have an inbound thread (ftp-fileset) that will not attempt to open the connection.

      I have the following EO config:

      fset * * *

      But the log doesn’t show any attempt to open the connection:

      mostly what I get is:

      [pti :sche:INFO/2:   dci_rslt_t] Performing apply callback for thread 4

      last msg in log is:

      [pti :sche:INFO/0: log_rtif_cmd] Scheduler blocking forever

      Any thoughts as to why I can’t see an attempt to open the connection?

      Thanks in advance.

      The following is the NetConfig:

      protocol dci_rslt_t {

        { AUTOSTART 1 }

        { BITMAP genericSite.xbm }

        { COORDS {0 0} }

        { DATAFORMAT {

            { FRLTYPE offlen }

            { OFFLEN {

                { LEN 0 }

                { OFF 0 }

            } }

            { TYPE frl }

        } }

        { DATAXLATE {


      { PROCESSNAME log_rtif }

        { PROTOCOL {

            { FTPACCT {} }

            { FTPCLOSE 1 }

            { FTPDELAY 1 }

            { FTPDIRLISTCMD nl }

            { FTPHOST xxx.xxx.xxx.9 }

            { FTPIBDIR {} }

            { FTPOBDIR {} }

            { FTPPASSWD {password} }

            { FTPPORT ftp }

            { FTPPULSETIME 500 }

            { FTPREADTIME 5 }

            { FTPTYPE i }

            { FTPUSER username }

            { IBDEL {

                { ARGS {} }

                { PROCS {} }

            } }

          { IBDIR {} }

            { IBDIRPARSE {

                { ARGS {{}} }

                { PROCS tpsDCIFilesetFilter }

            } }

            { IBMAXMSGS 1 }

            { IBREADINTERVAL 5 }

            { IBSCANINTERVAL 30 }

            { IBSTYLE eof }

            { MODE ftp }

            { OBAPPEND 1 }

            { OBDIR {} }

            { OBFILE {} }

            { OBSTYLE nl }

            { TYPE fileset }

        } }

        { RECVCONTROL {

            { ACKCONTROL {

                { ARGS {} }

                { PROCS {} }

            } }

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    • Author
      • #61517
        Tom Patton

          I should also include this example that I can FTP from AIX command line:

          $ ftp

          ftp> open xxx.xxx.xxx.9

          Connected to xxx.xxx.xxx.9.

          220 boston_ma Microsoft FTP Service (Version 4.0).

          Name (xxx.xxx.xxx.9:user): user

          331 Password required for user.


          230 User user logged in.

          ftp> nl

          200 PORT command successful.

          150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for /bin/ls.

          05-29-07  05:07PM               544357 DCI_20070529_1.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               527018 DCI_20070529_10.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               604958 DCI_20070529_2.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               584070 DCI_20070529_3.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               553540 DCI_20070529_4.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               562411 DCI_20070529_5.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               521869 DCI_20070529_6.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               507673 DCI_20070529_7.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               586283 DCI_20070529_8.xml

          05-29-07  05:07PM               533257 DCI_20070529_9.xml

          226 Transfer complete.

        • #61518
          Michael Hertel

            You need an inbound directory and filename defined.

            Although you have a dir parse tps, you still need to set up the directory name.

          • #61519
            Tom Patton

              What if the user id gets me to the directory I want to be in?  Can I fake a directory name somehow?

            • #61520
              Michael Hertel

                Yes, use /

              • #61521
                Tom Patton


                  Thank you that got me down the road – I just never saw that and always had a value there in other cases.

                  I now getting unrecognized command for DIR and NL which is alot further than I was an hour ago.



                • #61522
                  Michael Hertel

                    I believe the default is nlst or you can use list.

                  • #61523
                    Tom Patton

                      nlst worked well – I was trying everything and had left it as nl.

                      I also found the / directory command took me to another directory, but just using a dot (.) kept me in the same directory.

                      Miles down the road – Thanks again Michael.


                    • #61524
                      Michael Hertel

                        You’re welcome.

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