FTP logging

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf FTP logging


  • Creator
  • #120977
    Jason Russell

      I have been looking around and I may just be missing it, but is there a way to set more detailed FTP logging? I’m doing an SFTP to a remote server, all is working well, but I cannot find any logging in terms of FTP. I’d expect something similar to this:

      Connected to <server> (x.x.x.x).
      220 Microsoft FTP Service
      Remote system type is Windows_NT.
      331 Password required
      230 User logged in.
      250 CWD command successful.
      200 Type set to I.
      local: file.txt remote: file.txt
      227 Entering Passive Mode ().
      125 Data connection already open; Transfer starting.
      226 Transfer complete.
      344 bytes sent in 2.1e-05 secs (16380.95 Kbytes/sec)
      221 Goodbye.


      It wouldn’t necessarily need to be so verbose, but something we could look at when troubleshooting FTP connections. Currently not seeing any, but, again, could completely be overlooking it.

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    • Author
      • #120978

        On the cURL Options tab (protocol properties), add this name:value


        -- Max Drown (Infor)

      • #120989
        Robert Kersemakers

          Have you tried to set the Engine Output higher for ‘fileset’? Normally this should result in more logging.

          ENABLE fset * * *

          Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

        • #121814
          Jason Russell

            I figured I’d resurrect my old thread. We are setting a new FTP connection. We created a key pair, gave the end system the public key. I can successfully log in with the private key  on the command line with sftp -i <key> <username>@<host>. However, when attempting to set the connection with Cloverleaf, I get an authentication error:

            * SSH public key authentication failed: Unable to extract public key from private key file: Wrong passphrase or invalid/unrecognized private key file format

            The only thing I can think of is we do have spaces in the passphrase, as well as an @ and an !. Would those conflict with Cloverleaf’s ability to use the keys? I didn’t see anything in the help that would indicate that.

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