FTP 101 Question

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf FTP 101 Question

  • Creator
  • #50199
    Jim Rawls

      Cloverleaf 5.5 on Red Hat Linux 4.0

      I’m looking at moving a file created on Cloverleaf to another server using SFTP (not supported in Cloverleaf?).  I don’t want to process the messages in any way, just pass the file as-is to the other server.  (This seems simple enough to do in cron, but we felt it would be better-documented if it was done in Cloverleaf.)  

      After reading through old posts here on Clovertech, I’m still not seeing examples of this.  Is there a configuration I can use on the inbound thread so that the file is not processed as individual messages?



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    • Author
      • #65183
        Jim Kosloskey


          Not that I know of but I don’t see the issue, inbound thread fileset local, outbound thread ftp; HCI raw route with no xlate between the threads no message level procs.

          That should work fine.

          email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #65184
          Robert Kersemakers


            If you need to maintain the original filename: there should be a tcl-proc gc_getIBFilesetNameForOB. Put this proc (without parameters) in the TPS Directory Parse AND the TPS Inbound Data of the inbound thread. This should preserver the filename, which is then used when ftp’ing the message/file.

            Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

          • #65185
            Michael Hertel

              Select a style of “single” on the inbound section.

            • #65186
              Scott Lee


                I have not tried it but from what I’ve read on other threads… SFTP is NOT supported in Cloverleaf and no one has yet been able to make it work in TCL/TclCurl.  So you will probably have to do something outside the engine to send the files.


              • #65187
                Robert Kersemakers

                  About SFTP.

                  In CL5.5 there is an option ‘FTPS’ when configuring the FTP-connection. I have included some screenshots.

                  Did anyone get this FTPS option working? I haven’t tested it myself, but I may have to establish an SFTP connection in the very near future. So I’m very curious…

                  Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

                • #65188
                  Jim Kosloskey


                    SFTP and FTPS are 2 different beasts and only FTPS is supported on Cloverleaf(R) as delivered.

                    email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

                  • #65189
                    Russ Ross

                      I’ve developed a production integration that uses SFTP to move an appointment reminder file from our Cloverleaf server to a vendor (TeleVox) that is outside our firewall.

                      I used TCL and EXPECT to create a stand-alone script that does the SFTP file transfer that I previously posted at this clovertech URL:


                      I’ve only had to do an SFTP put and have yet to write a script to do the SFTP get.

                      This is currnetly running on QDX 5.2.1P2 on AIX 5.2 and EXPECT seems to be included with TCL in that version of Cloverleaf and no downloading of EXPECT was necessary.

                      I’m going to hope the same is true for QDX 5.6 which I’m currently migrating to.

                      Russ Ross

                    • #65190
                      Robert Kersemakers

                        Hi Jim/Russ,

                        Thanks for the clarification. Wasn’t aware of the difference.

                        Great to have an example of how to SFTP by tcl. But I still hope to avoid SFTP and just use plain old FTP …  🙂



                        Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands

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