I’m using T-SQL to pull an alert and the visit ID from our patient database. I would then like to place it into a “make-shift” HL7 message that has only the visit ID and the alert in it. The Visit ID would be placed into PID-18 and the alert would be in a Z segment.
So, SQL would dump the data to a flat file like “1234567890, special needs”, where 1234567890 is the Visit ID and special needs is the alert.
The HL7 I would send would be blank, except for the MSH segment and those two fields. Is this possible?
Yes – you can use an Xlate to translate FRL to HL/7.
You will need to construct the FRL definition.
You will need to construct an HL/7 variant since you may not be populating some required segments in the standard. Your own variant will describe this HL/7 message as you see fit. You will need your own variant anyway to make the Z Segment work.
Or you can do this all in Tcl…
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 29+ years Cloverleaf, 59 years IT - old fart.