Are you asking with regards to Cloverleaf default password or in general?
There was a card game I played as a child 50 years ago called gofish, so historically the term gofish was probably started before most of us were born.
If you are talking about the term gofish in general a google search might provide a historiacl story.
If you are talking about cloverleaf default password I would not be surprised if it came form the card game called gofish.
In the card game gofish you guess what card your opponet holds in his hand and if you guess wrong they tell you to gofish and then you have to draw from the deck as a penalty and guess again repeating the cycle until you guess right then it becomes their turn to guess right or gofish.
At least this is what came to my mind when I first heard the “gofish” password but this is just a first impression on my part and not necessarily the real story.
Russ Ross