Filtering messages on a particular thread

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  • Creator
  • #52276
    Rehman Masood

      I have a requirement to only send particular messages (where PV1-3 has certain values) on a thread. The inbound is getting everything and outbound needs to be only a subset of that. What’s the best way to accomplish this? Should I setup some filter on trx identifier? use SUPPRESS commands in the Xlate? or how do you usually handle this?

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    • Author
      • #73650
        Jim Kosloskey


          We use an argument driven, reusable Tcl Proc in the Pre-Xlate (it can be used at most any UPoC but that is where we prefer to use it 99% of the time).

          You can also do this in an Xlate by using the SUPRESS Action subordinate to an IF Action.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #73651
          Vince Angulo

            Hi Rehman,

            I’m not sure there is a “best” way to do this, just preferred methods…

            …if you’re approaching from an engine performance perspective, the message should be killed with Tcl in a pre-translation Upoc as Jim correctly suggests;

            …or it can be done in the translate, where I find it more “in the open” and easier to keep track of — although processing a message through translation is more overhead, especially if you’re going to SUPRESS it;

            Here’s how I would do it…using a table of PV1-3 values

            TABLE -> @SendMsg (the table would contain true for allowed PV1-3 values and false as the default)

            IF @SendMsg eq =true

            …….Process the message for other edits, etc.



            This should work for your example.

          • #73652
            Rehman Masood

              Thanks guys. Sounds like a pre-translation Upoc is probably in order. Where do you guys suggest I put it? Will TPS Inbound Data on the actual outbound to the ancillary system do the trick?

            • #73653
              Jim Kosloskey


                Here is some input:

                If you apply filtering at the Inbound TPS then ALL inbound messages are affected.

                If you apply filtering at the Route (pre xlate or pre raw), then you only affect those routed messages. The down side is if you have many routes that need filtering you need to place the filtering on every route.

                Here we apply the filtering on the routing.

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #73654
                Rehman Masood

                  Thanks Jim!

                • #73655
                  Richard Hart

                    Hi Rehman.

                    We use this fairly often when we are already using some TPS inbound code or we use the TPS code in the routing script.

                    Use the TPS inbound to parse the message and set a routing tag according to the business rules.  

                    Store the tag in the message metadata.

                    The routing script  then just grabs the metadata and returns the code


                    proc icm_code_trx_id_ack {aMsgId} {


                                   # The Route is in the user data


                           set myTrxId [msgmetaget $aMsgId USERDATA]

                           return $myTrxId


                  • #73656
                    Russ Ross

                      When the filtering is relatively simple I like using the tps_msg_action.tcl argument driven proc preroute.

                      When the filtering becomes complex like with more than 2 compound conditions, I like to us a TrxID proc to route unwanted messages to hcitpsmsgkil.

                      Here is a clovertech post illustrating how I used a TrxID proc to do complex filtering by routing messages to hcitpsmsgkill:

                          <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

                      Here is a clovertech post illustrating the use of Jim’s tps_msg_action.tcl plus the proc source code to do simple filtering using a lookup table to define the filter values.

                          <a href="; class=”bbcode_url”>

                      I did a recent filter with tps_msg_action that’s about as simple as it gets and perhaps more applicable to your case.

                      Here are the arguments copied from the pre-xlate route in the NetConfig so you can see how to get tps_msg_action to do a very simple filter:


                      {COMMENT_1 {filter messages if RXE-10 is empty or equal to zero}}
                      {MSGTYPE {hl7}}
                      {MSGVERS {2.3.1}}
                      {MSGVARNM {ib_pharmacy}}
                      {MSGNAME {RDE_O01}}
                      {FLDID “2(0).2(0).RXE(0).#10(0)”}
                      {MSGOPER {{==}}}
                      {VAL2CHK4 {
                        {} {0}
                      {YESACTION “KILL”}
                      {NOACTION “CONTINUE”}
                      {LRFLDID “0(0).MSH(0).#9″}
                      {LRFLDVAL “END”}
                      {MSGCTXT “xlt_pre”}
                      {DEBUG Y}

                      Russ Ross

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