Filter ADTs based on ORM messages sent??

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  • Creator
  • #48920
    April Dunbar

      Hello all,

      I have been asked to filter and only send ADT messages if patients have radiology orders.  The company is currently receiving radiology ORM, ORU, and DFT messages from us, but now want the ADT messages as well for those certain patients.  

      I am not sure how to set this up.  My guess is that I will need a database to reference back to?

      Has anyone done this before?


      April Dunbar

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    • Author
      • #60118
        Michael Hertel

          If you’re good with tcl and the outbound system can get away with processing only A08’s, I would suggest spinning off A08’s based on your order message ahead of the order using MSH/EVN/PID/PV1 segments from the order message.

          It’s not clean but could work.

          You would msgcopy the current message, reduce it to MSH/EVN/PID/PV1 segments, change the message type to A08 and then lappend to the dispList before lappending the current message.


        • #60119
          Jim Kosloskey


            If you want to do as Michael suggests, you can do that in an Xlate – no Tcl required.

            Jim Kosloskey

            email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

          • #60120
            Michael Lacriola

              If you need other ADTs (such as transfers, discharges, etc…), the only thing I can think of is creating a file name based on the account in a directory when you get an order. When an ADT comes through using another TPS, check to see if the file exists based on the account from the ADT. If it does continue the message. Then, when an A03 (discharge)comes through or A11 (cancel admit or cancel reg), remove the file from the directory so that it is no longer valid.

              This is not that difficult to accomplish, but a pain. If you just need A08’s, you can create an ADT from the ORM using just the MSH, EVN, PID, and PV1 segments as needed like M. Hertel has already added.

            • #60121
              Scott Lee


                Yes, we have done this, it’s a little involved, but it works – In our case, our Radiology billing company wanted a delay in the ADT message (3 days) and only wanted to get those patients that had Rad orders.  So I have my ADTs written to a dated file based on the admit date.  At the same time, for any Rad orders I get I write the account number to a file.  Three days later I pick up the ADT file and compare it to the list of account numbers.  If the account number is in the list I send the ADT, if not, I chuck it.


              • #60122
                April Dunbar

                  Scott – That is very similar to what I am trying to do.  Our radiology billing system is currently receiving real-time the orders, results and charges from our radiology system (that does not store insurances, etc).  They now need to have all of the demographic information that is not attached to those messages, such as the insurances, etc.  

                  So how are you comparing the patients?  They would only want the ADTs for those patients they are receiving radiology orders, results and charges on.  

                  Jim – If I can do this in an xlate, how?

                  Thanks, April

                • #60123
                  Scott Lee

                    I think Jim was suggesting that you could generate a very basic A08 from the data in an ORM message using an Xlate.

                  • #60124
                    April Dunbar

                      Scott – are you performing all of this in one tcl?  Would you be willing to share it(them)?

                      Thanks, April

                    • #60125
                      Chris Williams

                        Are any of you using McKesson’s Horizon Practice Plus? It has a little-known facility where Cloverleaf can send it a query, and Plus will generate an ADT^A08 on demand.

                      • #60126
                        April Dunbar

                          Hi Chris – Unfortunately we have not implemented that yet.

                          Thanks, April

                        • #60127
                          Charlie Bursell

                            Take a look at sqlite. a very good, small footprint database that has a Tcl interface and does not require ODBC.

                            I am doing a couple of different project similar to this and have no problem by simply storing the Patient ID to the database and then bumping subsequent messages against the database.


                          • #60128
                            Scott Lee

                              Sorry, it’s taken me some time to pull all this together…

                              The process I have set up is in several tcl procs.

                              Here is the snippet that saves the account number to the file if the patient had a Rad order placed.  This is in the route for orders from the HIS to the RIS…


                              #store the account # of those patients that had a rad order
                              global env
                              set filename “/hci/spools/$env(HCISITE)/cmpm/accounts.dat”
                              exec echo $acct >> $filename

                              Attached as file tps_aff_cmpm_xlate.tcl is the code that takes the ADT coming from the HIS and stores them into a date-stamped file.  One file per day based on the date of admission.

                              The attachment tps_filter_adt_cmpm is the directory parse for picking up the ADT files written in the previous route.  It is looking for files more than 3 days old.

                              The attachment tps_cmpm_adt_xlate is the real meat of the process.  It tranlates the 3 day old ADTs back into individual messages.  It also compiles the messages for each account and sends only the most recent segment from all the messages for each account.

                              Hope this helps and makes some sense.  Feel free to ask questions/make comments/offer ideas/etc.  I like Charlie’s idea of using a database for this.  I’ll be looking into sqlite.


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