You could use a upoc thread, first make sure the OB queue of OB thread and xlt queue of the IB thread are both 0, then another tcl to change the file name. Put the below tcl in the Read TPS inside the UPoC properties.
Hope this helps,
Sam 🙂
set ib_thread adt_eagle_only
set ob_thread star_adt_eagle
set ob_stats [msiGetStatSample $ob_thread]
keylget ob_stats OBDATAQD ob_q
set ib_stats [msiGetStatSample $ib_thread]
keylget ib_stats INTERTHREAD inter
foreach thread $inter {
keylget thread NAME name
if {[cequal $name $ob_thread]} {
keylget thread POSTXLTQD xlt_q
if {$ob_q == 0 && $xlt_q == 0} {
# change the output file name
} else {
echo “Continue scanning…”
return “”