Fileset FTP

  • Creator
  • #48445
    Ken Seachrist

      I am attempting to set up an interface that will receive transactions into a thread.  I then want to route those transactions to another thread.  That part is okay.  THEN…I need to create single record files and FTP them to another node.  I have never used the FTP protocol, so I would appreciate any insight into potential problems, and any assistance anybody can provide.  Thanks!

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    • Author
      • #58653
        Dorian DiNardo

          You can put a proc in the outbound tps that will make each message unique. We  use  a combination of the MessageID and an extension to set that name to the DRIVERCTL in the meta data.

          The ftp thread is set up to the server and directory you want to write the messages to, the name will be overwritten by the driverctl variable. The only issue we have had is when the server we are trying to write to is not available.

          You can also set the thread up to write locally via ftp fileset-local and than use a script to ftp those files over if they don’t need them right away.

          We use both scenarios.

          Hope this helps,


        • #58654
          Ken Seachrist

            What are the differences between the outbound directory on the fileset tab and the inbound on the FTP tab?  Will a fileset FTP protocol accept transactions from another thread, or does it HAVE to read from a inbound file?

          • #58655
            Jim Kosloskey


              Fileset/FTP can be an outbound thread.

              I think in your case you might be using the Fileset rather than FTP but I could be wrong.

              Jim Kosloskey

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #58656


                I’m not sure what you’re asking.  Do you mean to ask if it’s possible to read a message from a file and then send it to another file using the same protocol thread?

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