File protocol

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  • Creator
  • #54982
    Mahmoud Ihaddadene


      I dd a resend for 20000 messages to a thread that is configured as protocol file with the following setting:

      output file: “path name+name for the file”

      “Newline-terminated “

      “Append to file” checked

      this resend is taking a long time to be proceeded by the engine ??

      Is it normal that the delay between 02 messages that are written to the file

      took between 10 sec and 30 sec ?

      Best Regards

      Mahmoud Ihaddadene

      System Integrator

      McGill University Health Center

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    • Author
      • #83674
        James Cobane

          Hi Mahmoud,

          There are several factors that could play into how quickly things process (system resources, thread configuration, et al).  Depending on whether you are sending to an inbound vs outbound thread will also factor in.  If you are resending to an inbound thread, the engine will load all of those messages and it may take a bit for them to all get loaded (into state 1) then actually start to process into translation.  If you are sending to an outbound thread, things will typically process faster.  Did you insure that you sent to the thread using the correct context (inbound or outbound)?  Also, if the thread you mentioned below is an outbound thread, is your thread configured with ‘Await Replies’ on/checked?  If so, it will never receive a reply (because it is a file-based thread), which would cause messages just to sit in the outbound data queue.

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #83675
          Mahmoud Ihaddadene

            Hi Jim,

            My resend was done on ontbound thread and ‘Await Replies’ is not checked.

            All the messages are on state 11 and i’m still having a delay between 2 sec and 10 sec.

            My thread is configured with Use Recovery database.

            Thank you


            Mcgill University Health Center

          • #83676
            Jim Kosloskey

              How busy is the site/process this resend is in?

              If this is a busy site this resend is probably contending for resources with the other processes/threads.

              Also if the target device is a busy device the actual I/o can be slow.

              As Jiim Cobane pointed out, if your system resources are also strained (memory, CPU, I/O) that can contribute.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

            • #83677
              James Cobane

                If the messages are in state 11, that means they are all queued and waiting to be written out the protocol (in this case “file”).  You may want to see if there is any I/O contention on the file, or the system overall.

                Jim Cobane

                Henry Ford Health

              • #83678
                Mahmoud Ihaddadene

                  This is the setting for the site:


                  > 8 threads


                  > 11 threads


                  > 11 threads


                  > 3 threads


                  > 3 threads


                  > 1 thread


                  > 2 thread


                  > 1 thread

                  The machine is running Aix 6.1 with cloverleaf 6.1. (%idle is arround 60%)


                • #83679
                  Michael Hertel

                    You can also check the configuration of the process that thread is in.

                    Look for ‘Disk-based Queueing’.

                    Is there a ‘Threshold in Megabytes’ defined?

                    Also look at the limits for your user that you used (hci?).

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