You could do it in a couple of steps; first ‘Add specified messages to view’ and use LCS as your contents. This would give you all the messages that contian LCS. (If the value ‘LCS’ is within a specific field, you could specify |LCS| as your contents). Then you could do a ‘remove specfied messages from view’ and check the ‘not’ option and use ‘ADT^A08’ as the contents. That should essentially leave only ADT^A08 messages containing ‘LCS’ in your view.
Or, for UNIX/Linux, using perl, from the command line:
cp message_file.msg some_file
perl -pi -ne ‘s/MSH/nMSH/g’ some_file
grep A08 some_file |grep LCS > file.tst
file.tst should contain newline messages that contain A08 and also LCS . . . might take some tweaking, but it gets around the GUI, or hcismat, esp. if the .msg file is very large.
Paul – the SMAT counts are a bit confusing, but not necessarily misleading. The searches you specify are carried out against the entire file being viewed, not just those you have “selected”. So, when you select 78 out of 1000 messages, and add them to your view, and then want to further filter them, SMAT carries out your instructions against the 1000 messages, not just against your selected 78 messages.
Takes a little getting used to…
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