^^^MRILUSPWWO^MRI- Lumbar Spine W/ & W/O Contrast
My tcl is trying to split the fifth subfield on the dash (-) and return the “MRI”:
set xlateOutVals [lindex [split $xlateInVals -] 0]
But I’m getting the following error when trying to pull the index of 0:
[0:TEST] QDX_Tcl_SplitList({MRI) failed: unmatched open brace in list
Internal XPM Tcl error
erroCode: NONE
can’t unset “Hl7FieldsLoaded(2)”: no such element in array
while executing
“unset Hl7FieldsLoaded($iokey) “
If I change the index to 1 instead of 0, it works and pulls the word “Lumbar”.
Any ideas?