Has anyone seen this before? I’m trying to do a basic test on a xlate using a generic HL7 message (BAR_P05 specifically). However, the engine does not like this very specific mesage type it seems. When I attempt to run the tranlate on the message, I get this:
Please Wait ……
Command Issued: hcixlttest -i -e ASCII -d 1 -f nl x_esoHDEBAR_F_epicBAR_231.xlt /opt/cloverleaf/cis2022.09/integrator/st_ems1/indata/20250205-xlatTST-fhc-t_eBAR_i
Command output:XLT is loaded from local site, read /opt/cloverleaf/cis2022.09/integrator/st_master/formats/hl7/2.5.1/epicHL7/fields from master
[0:TEST] Incorrect read. Expected 171, got -1: Is a directory. The CR char may be lost.
[0:TEST] No segment is defined in message ‘_51956_8_6’ of variant ‘2.5.1 epicHL7’
[0:TEST] [mid:0x0x7f54f7407764] ERROR. Invalid message type ‘0519560806’.
Incorrect read. Expected 171, got -1: Is a directory. The CR char may be lost.
unable to get information on invalid HL7 message ‘0519560806’ for parse
Running the exact same message on a different translate, i get what I’d expect in terms of errors:
XLT is loaded from local site, read /opt/cloverleaf/cis2022.09/integrator/st_master/formats/hl7/2.3.1/epicHL7/fields from master
[0:TEST] [mid:0x0x7f8a2502608c] unknown segment ‘ABS’ when parsing hl7 (2.3.1 epicHL7) during the translation (x_esoREG_F_epicREG_231.xlt) — ignored.
[0:TEST] Warning during PathCopy: unknown segment ‘ABS’ when parsing hl7 (2.3.1 epicHL7) during the translation (x_esoREG_F_epicREG_231.xlt) — ignored.
[0:TEST] Mismatched IR Tags
[0:TEST] Warning during PathCopy: Mismatched IR Tags
0(0).MSH(0) : >|^~\&|EPIC||||20250205145654|KINGDG|BAR^P05|717780.2|T|2.5.1<
0(0).EVN(0) : >|P05|20250205145654|||KINGDG^
Standard errors because the structure doesn’t match. However, debugger doesn’t seem to have any issue parsing the message. I’ve used the default on 2.3.1 (no changes in that message type on the variant) and 2.5.1, but both give the same errors (excpet 2.3.1 doesn’t have the ABS segment defined, and it does throw that error).
I’ve never seen that and it’s not giving any real direction to go in terms of what to look for. An interesting tidbit, here is the input data and the output data (what the engine does to this message):
THIS IS TEST DATA NO PHI (this is the raw data from Linux with the carriage return as a ^M inbetween segments):
MSH|^~\&|EPIC||||20250205145654|KINGDG|BAR^P05|717780.2|T|2.5.1^MEVN|P05|20250205145654|||KINGDG^^^^MPID|||2000425^^^EPI^MR||RMHLEAP^SIX||19560806|F||White|1 FIRST AVE^^CAMERON^NC^28326-6782^US^L^^DANE|DANE||||MARRIED||15000000042||||NOT HISPANIC^MPV1||I|RMH MED-SURG^214^214^RMH^^^^^^^|EL|||4565^SLAUGHTER^VAN^^^^^^PROVID^^^^PROVID|||1006||||SNF/Int/Asst|||4565^SLAUGHTER^VAN^^^^^^PROVID^^^^PROVID|101|484391|COMM||||||||||||||||01|1||||Completed|||20190806111800|20210707083800|81654.00|81654.00|0.00|0.00^MPV2^MDG1|1||I10^Essential (primary) hypertension^I10|||ADMITTING^MDG1|2||I10^Essential (primary) hypertension^I10|||PRINCIPLE||||||||||||||||||||Y^MDRG|603^^233||||||^^|^^||||Completed|20250205141414|KING, DEBRA|KINGDG||Y^MABS|||||||20250205141414
MSHP0520250205145654P052000425222EPI2MRP05P05RMHLEAP2SIX2DEBRAP05P0519560806P05FP05BAR2P0P05WhiteP051 FIRST AVE22CAMERON2NC228326-67822US2L22DANEP05DANEP05P05P05P05MARRIEDP05P0515000000042P05P^MEVNP05P0^MPIDP05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P0^MPV1P05P05IP05RMH MED-SURG221422142RMHP05ELP05P05P054562SLAUGHTER2VAN222222PROVID2222PROVIDP05P05P051006P05P05P05P05SNF/Int/AsstP05P05P054562SLAUGHTER2VAN222222PROVID2222PROVIDP05101P05484391P05COMMP05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P05P0501P051P05P05P05P05CompletedP05P05P0520190806111800P0520210707083800P0581654.00P0581654.00P050.00P050.00
I’m lost with this one.