error: returned bogus strMsgId ‘message0

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf error: returned bogus strMsgId ‘message0

  • Creator
  • #50977
    Rick Pritchett

      I get this error after i execute my code.  Any ideas?

      returned bogus strMsgId ‘message0


                     set mh [keylget args MSGID]

         set dispList

           set msg [msgget $mh]

        echo msg $msg

        set GS_start [string first ~GS $msg]

        echo GS_start $GS_start

        set GS_start_offset [expr {$GS_start+1}]

        set GS_end [string first ~ $msg $GS_start_offset]

        set GS_seg [string range $msg $GS_start $GS_end]

        set GS_seg [string map {~ “”} $GS_seg]

        set GS_fields [split $GS_seg *]

        set Group_Control_ID [lindex $GS_fields 6]

        echo Group_Control_ID $Group_Control_ID

        set Group_Control_ID [string trimleft $Group_Control_ID 0]

        echo Group_Control_ID $Group_Control_ID

        set new_GS_06 [lreplace $GS_fields 6 6 $Group_Control_ID]

        echo $new_GS_06

        set new_GS_segment [join $new_GS_06 *]

        echo $new_GS_segment

        msgset $mh [string replace $msg $GS_start $GS_end $new_GS_segment]

                   lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

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    • Author
      • #68269
        Jerry Tilsley

          I could be wrong, but I do not think it likes line #2 in your code.

        • #68270
          Charlie Bursell

            You are trying to CONTINUE the same message handle twice.

            1. set dispList

              2. lappend dispList “CONTINUE $mh”

              Get rid of one of them

          • #68271
            Rick Pritchett

              thanks guys!!!

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