error log – error 73 PDL issue

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf error log – error 73 PDL issue

  • Creator
  • #55337
    Lawrence Nelson

      While researching a lost message issue I had to get into the .err

      Lawrence Nelson
      System Architect - MaineHealth IT

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    • Author
      • #85008
        Jim Kosloskey

          Typically this means just what it says – the system Cloverleaf is connecting with shut down. When the client sends a reconnect then Cloverleaf will honor thee reconnect request and connection is reestablished.

          If at that time you are losing a message, then I would suspect the client (the other system) is not waiting for an acknowledgment before sending the next message. Could be other things going on (probably not in Cloverleaf) but it is a worthwhile first step to validate the client is waiting on acknowledgment.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #85009
          Lawrence Nelson

            Thank you –

            is “5” a long enough time to be waiting.

            Lawrence Nelson
            System Architect - MaineHealth IT

          • #85010
            David Barr

              We usually wait 60 seconds. Normally an ACK should come in 5 seconds, but I don’t think you’d want to timeout that quickly.

            • #85011
              David Barr

                Also, the 5 on properties tab, protocol configuration, reopen time field is different from the timeout on the outbound tab timeout field. I was talking about the second value in my previous message.

              • #85012
                Jim Kosloskey

                  Umm I think you are the server. As such you are  probably waiting for a connection forever if the foreign system disconnects.

                  The client side will need to be configured to expect an acknowledgment and handle that properly in the case where a message is sent and before acknowledgment disconnection (by either side) happens.

                  email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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