Error in error database

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  • Creator
  • #48990
    Ivan Ng

      When I am trying to search for messages in the error database, I go the following output from the Database Administrator.  What may I do to fix this and to recover the messages in the error database?  Thank you in advance for any solutions or insights.

      Command Issued: hcidbdump -e -L -d hp_erp_micb

      Command status:0

      Command output:

      Unable to initialize DBI, err = 2

      [0:TEST] Db_Vista database error -921: ‘SYSTEM/OS error: -921

      DBUSERID is already being used

      C errno = 0

      C errno = 0′

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    • Author
      • #60340
        James Cobane


          Chances are, somebody didn’t exit cleanly from a previous run of the ‘hcidbdump’ command.  To clear this condition, simply run the following command:

          lmclear -u TEST -mp

          Background information on the error:

          When a process or thread needs to access the recovery or error databases, it “logs in” to the lock manager with a DBUSERID. The default (note DEFAULT) DBUSERID used for hcidbadmin/hcidbdump is “TEST”. The DBUSERID for your engine threads is the name of the thread.

          If the process or thread that has logged in to the lockmanager is terminated before it has a chance to log out (via ctrl-c or some other means), that DBUSERID will remain in the lockmanager.  If a subsequent process/thread attempts to log in to the lockmanager with the same DBUSERID, the lockmanager will report that the “DBUSERID is already being used”. If you don’t see the “Done.” on your screen, that means hcidbdump hasn’t finished processing, and the DBUSERID “TEST” is still active in the lock manager. If you try to do two database dumps while another one is running, the second will fail because they are both using the same DBUSERID. lmclear when used properly will remove the DBUSERID.  Bouncing the lockmanager will remove the DBUSERID. There is another way around this.  You can specify another user than TEST by selecting the “Set DB Userid” option from the Options menu in hcidbadmin. If you’re using hcidbdump, use the “-U” option.

          Hcidbadmin runs the output of hcidbdump through less. Hcidbdump will continue to run in the background even though you may only be viewing the first page.

          If you “q” and/or ctrl-c out *before it finishes processing*, TEST will remain active in the lockmanager.

          Hope this helps.

          Jim Cobane

          Henry Ford Health

        • #60341
          Russ Ross

            Attached is an screen shot that shows the same error will occur if the lock manager is not running.

            Russ Ross

          • #60342
            garry r fisher

              It should be noted that this occurs on Windows which doesn’t have a separate lock manager daemon – I’ve seen this a number of times probably for the reasons Jim mentions i.e. impatience with the database administration tools.



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