error 914

  • Creator
  • #50064
    Duy Nguyen

      This thread of mine is repeatedly crashing intermittently at least once every week or two.  I’ve called into the support line several times but could not get a solid answer on what is causing this.

      Does anyone have any insight on this?

      Below is the information copy/pasted from the process log file:

      Engine idle — 05/22/2008 21:11:26

      [dbi :dbi :ERR /0:from_columbia:05/22/2008 21:11:36] Db_Vista database error -914: ‘SYSTEM/OS error: -914

      error reading from a data or key file

      C errno = -1: Unknown error’

      [pti :sign:WARN/0:from_columbia:05/22/2008 21:11:36] Thread 2 received signal EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION:

       The thread attempted to read from or write to a virtual address for which it does not have the appropriate access.

      [pti :sign:WARN/0:from_columbia:05/22/2008 21:11:36] PC = 0xffffffff

      PANIC: “0”

      PANIC: Calling “pti” for thread columbia_cmd

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    • Author
      • #64730
        Ron Swain

          Any answer on this?

        • #64731
          Russ Ross

            Not sure exactly what all the error codes are for recovery DB off the top of my head.

            The thought that comes to mind right off the bat is to be sure if you ever do a hcidbdump command let it finish no matter how long it takes and never break out of it by doing ctrl-c or you will create problems with accessing the DB.

            Russ Ross

          • #64732
            Charlie Bursell

              Raima Error

              -914 S_BADREAD A read error was returned on a data or key file

              Might have to reinit the database

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