We have a thread that is dying on startup. I am receiving the following error.
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:50] Msg space limit is 0
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:50] Msg parsing reuse is disabled.
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:50] Msg tracing feature is disabled.
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:50] DiskQue Minimum # of Messages/que: 50
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:50] DiskQue Virtual Memory percent:75.000000
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:50] Applying EO config: ”
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:50] Applying EO config: ”
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:58] Thread not auto-started.
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:58] Thread not auto-started.
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:58] No routes defined for TrxId ”
[ :10/09/2019 15:48:58] (-901) ‘RDM Embedded DB error: “INTERNAL error: -901
[ :–/–/—- –:–:–] maximum file size exceeded
[ :–/–/—- –:–:–] C errno = 0: Success”
[ :–/–/—- –:–:–] ‘
Any ideas?