We have been on Epic now for a few years and to answer your question of how well do they work together, very well 😉
Epic Bridges certainly does not take the place of an interface engine, but it does complement Cloverleaf and even provides some nice features that are…..well have always been…. lacking in Cloverleaf, like a very nice user friendly way of viewing and editing the HL7 messages.
We also have several point-to-point interfaces, straight from Epic Bridges to the ancillary system…. typically these are Device interfaces (i.e. glucometers and such).
Epic’s interface support (their “EDI” group) is fantastic ! I can send an email directly to one person and get a response in minutes, or I can always pick up the phone and call their main support and they will route me to someone immeditately. I don’t have to go through the aggrevation of dealing with a new person each time and explaining who we are and what we have……