1) add labels to SMAT Search Criteria
Current temporary or saved SMAT Search search criteria have the following fields: Type, Item, Operator, Value. Add a new field called Label or Name (or similar) that can take a text value. Value is not used in search but only to better describe to a user what the criteria is used for. Example: Type Item Operator Name Value CONTENT Content Regular Expression MRN 123456789 This new field would show on both the Select Search Criterian Definition window and the Search Messages window.
This is mainly beneficial to power users or operators, not so much Cloverleaf administrators who already understand the process and criteria.
2) allow view to be shared by multiple users
Currently it is not possible to assign a view to more than one user. Currently an authorized user can create a new view based on an existing template view, but this is always a new and unique view. Enhancement request is to add new functions to the existing Add, Edit and Delete View functions, called something like Assign View, which allows an existing view, perhaps already assigned to a user, to be assigned to another user, and Remove View, which allows an administrator to remove access to a view from a user. Benefits are that a single view can be maintenained and administered centrally but used by many users, for example – an Operations group of users can all use the same view. When the view is updated, all users get the updated view during their next logon or refresh.
This is beneficial to administrators, to avoid creating and maintaining multiple views, especially when this allows just one view to be shared by many and maintained only once.
3) when saving a search criteria, also save the SMAT file selection
Either save the SMAT file selections inside/along with the search criteria, or save the SMAT file selections separately by its own name, and have the overall search criteria dialog allow one to select both 1) a search criteria from a list of search criteria, and 2) a SMAT file selection group from a list of saved SMAT file selection groups. The latter option may be more flexible, but the former option would be easier to understand by non-Cloverleaf administrators.
Again, for power-users, operators and others that are not Cloverleaf administrators, having the particular set of SMAT files that are needed for a search will be much easier for these users to use.
4) assign logon, view and search access by LDAP/AD Group
Allow administrator to update the User List with an AD group name (without a password). May need a new flag, checkbox or naming convention to indicate that the entry is a group name and not a user name.
Requires GM to perform GetAllGroupMemberships function to AD during Logon authorization, View access authorization and Search access authorization, if there is no User List entry for the current logonid.
If more than one group in the returned group list has a matching name in the User List, use least restrictive authority (stop searching after finding a group defined in the User List that has the indicated access).
Very beneficial to Cloverleaf/GM administrators, to assign access rights to roles tied to AD groups, instead of having to provision each user.
Peter Heggie