I got good news for you! I have the “topic” JMS client working as a stand alone and I also have the info you were looking about where to set up server, port, JNDI and connection factory.
One important thing I forgot to mention:
I am attaching a j2ee.jar file, which you will have to place it on your server and also add that directory to your CLASSPATH for this stand alone to work/compile. Note: Later you should set this to QDXI_CLASSPATH when you are ready to plug this code into Cloverleaf Test program.
From the URL I sent you in the last mail, copy that program (I am also attaching the java file), next
copy that j2ee.jar file to (example: /opt/quovadx/qdx5.3/integrator/SiteName/java_uccs), next
add that to the classpath (example: setenv CLASSPATH /opt/quovadx/qdx5.3/integrator/SiteName/java_uccs/j2ee.jar:)
and now you should be able to compile the java program without any error.
Once you are successful in doing the above:
Open your Standalone Java program and add the following code right after the line where it says –>” // … specify the JNDI properties specific to the vendor”:
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, “ASK JMS ADMIN For the Value”);
env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, “ASK JMS ADMIN For the Value”);
env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, “ASK JMS ADMIN For the Value”);
// Above will be the Connection Factory info.
env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, “ServerName:ProtNumber”);
//Above is where you will put the server name and the port number, note the “:”
Now you can recompile the program and then run the program. When you are ready to run the program you have to also know one more thing: The “topic” name. This is the actually the place where you will put the Text message which will be picked up by JMS. Ask your JMS admin for it.
Once you have all the info you can run the program as:
>java Chat topicName uerid passwd
type something and enter
type “exit” and enter
Now check with the JMS admin to see it the msg reached the expected test queue.
Once this works, its piece of cake to plug this into cloverleaf and add a Kill statement in the code.
Good luck to you guys! and don’t hesitate to let me know if you need any help.
Osmand Christian
Dept. Health & Human Services,
State of North Carolina