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Yes, the email method you use depends on your system.
We do not do that with KILLing messages, but we do it with our ODBC when we have a connection problem or a problem reported back by the Stored Procedure we invoke.
However, there is no reason that cannot be done when filtering messages in Tcl (pre-route for example) or even inside the Xlate if you wanted to.
email: jim.kosloskey@jim-kosloskey.com 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.
We do this for several of our interfaces; when we receive a NAK for a message, we’ll send an e-mail for the NAK’d message with the specifics from the message to a designated recipient.
Jim Cobane
Henry Ford Health
interesting. Thank guys. Is there a special tcl code to use for emailing that you put in a proc?
There might be some TCL curl stuff for email but we have been using the UNIX/AIX sendmail command and calling it from TCL using either exec or system.
Here is an example using the TCL exec command:
if {[catch [exec — echo “Subject: $email_subject\n.” | sendmail $email_addresses] cerr]} {
# put error messages into the process standard log
echo “$module ERROR: *****************************************************”
echo “$module ERROR: email/Page attempt of:”
echo “$module ERROR: >$email_subject$email_addresses$email_subject$email_addresses<"
puts stderr "$module ERROR: failed!"
flush stderr
return $msgval
Here is an example using the TCL system command:
system “echo “Subject: $email_subject\n.” | sendmail $email_addresses”
I also did a little clovertech search and found this URL to get you started on the path
<span style="color: red]https://usspvlclovertch2.infor.com/viewtopic.php?t=3251&highlight=sendmail%5B/url%5D%5B/color%5D
This URL also has an example of using the tclMail pakage that I think is part of TCL curl I was referring to earlier.
Russ Ross
Sweet. Thanks for your time and pointing me in the right direction. Let the fun begin.
Here’s another way to send e-mail from TCL. This will let you add file attachments. We’re also using Ghostscript to change a Postscript attachment to PDF before we send it.
proc penrad_cmax_mail { psmsg body } {
package require mime
package require smtp
set fp [open report.ps w]
puts -nonewline $fp $psmsg
close $fp
exec ksh -c “unset SHLIB_PATH; gs -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=report.pdf report.ps < /dev/null"
set psmsg [read_file report.pdf]
# create an image and text
set psT [mime::initialize -canonical
"application/pdf; name="report.pdf"" -string $psmsg]
set textT [mime::initialize -canonical text/plain -string $body]
# create a multipart containing both, and a timestamp
set multiT [mime::initialize -canonical multipart/mixed
-parts [list $psT $textT]]
# call Sendmail to deliver the message
set rcpt [list "zzzzz@valleymed.org" "xxxxx@valleymed.org" "david_barr@valleymed.org"]
set rcpt2 [join $rcpt " "]
set fp [open "|/usr/sbin/sendmail $rcpt2" w]
puts $fp "To: [join $rcpt ,]"
puts $fp "From: "VMC.QDX Integrator production mode." ”
puts $fp “Subject: error processing report from Penrad”
#Date: Wed, 02 Mar 2008 16:34:00 -0700
puts $fp [::mime::buildmessage $multiT]
close $fp
# The following code works from a standalone script, but not from
# within a cloverleaf process. In the future, I’d like to try to get
# this working.
# smtp::sendmessage $multiT
# -header [list To “David_Barr@valleymed.org”]
# -header [list Subject “error processing report from Penrad”]
# -servers { borderware.valleymed.net }
# -header [list From “David_Barr@valleymed.org”]
Thanks all. I actually got this working, pretty cool. But i have one more question…since these are charge codes that come from our patient accts, at the end of year they send out lots of changes, maybe in the thousands, will this cause any performance issues sending out many emails like this? This only happens at year end and the rest of the time they just trickle down.
Thanks all. I actually got this working, pretty cool. But i have one more question…since these are charge codes that come from our patient accts, at the end of year they send out lots of changes, maybe in the thousands, will this cause any performance issues sending out many emails like this? This only happens at year end and the rest of the time they just trickle down.
You are likely, at those times, to experience a myriad of issues. First your email server is likely to trash those messages thinking that they are spam. Second, you ARE going to experience a significant increase in overhead on your system. Cloverleaf will likely handle this just fine because it is handing it off to the mail system but you are going to be sending out messages so fast that you may well run out of ephemeral ports. On most systems the number of ephemeral ports available is roughly 32,768. Sending mail is basically equivalent to opening up a telnet session so for each message you are going to use an ephemeral port to connect to the mail server. When you disconnect, those ports are going to sit in a “TIME_WAIT” state until the proper network ACK’ing and NAK’ing takes place to permanently close the connection. This happens pretty fast but could become the weak link in your chain. There are a lot of planets that would have to line up just right for this to be a major problem but, that said, there are a lot of planets involved in this scenario and it is my belief that you WILL experience a problem. Either you will reach the limit of the number of subprocesses that you can spawn or you will negatively impact your production system.
Just my 0.02
Sorry to rehash this older thread but it serves as relevance.
Below is what i ended up using for emailing from the engine and it works great on unix. Anyone know what it should be for Linux? Our new version is on RHLinux and having issues with it.
catch [exec << $EmailMsg mailx -s $EmailSub $Emails]
Just did a quick tclsh.
exec mailx -s $EmailSub $Emails << $EmailMsg
Here’s how I send with Tcl’s mime/smtp tools…
After you’ve built your message:
set recipientList [list bob@fred.com jeff@fred.com]
set smtpSnd cloverleaf@fred.com
set smtpServ emailServer.fred.com
# write header stuff
mime::setheader $multiT From “$smtpSnd”
mime::setheader $multiT To [join $recipientList ,]
mime::setheader $multiT Subject “Your Subject Here”
# send the message – I use catch to protect from any unhandled errors
catch {smtp::sendmessage $multiT -recipients [join $recipientList ,] -servers $smtpServ -atleastone 1}
# destroy the message
catch {mime::finalize $multiT}
Jeff Dinsmore
Chesapeake Regional Healthcare
Hi Terry,
We are currently migrating towards CL6.0 and also swapping platforms: from HP-UX to RHEL. We use mailx as well to send out email; this is what we call from within an xlate:
exec mailx -r zorgdomein_no_reply@orbisconcern.nl -s “${subject}” ${email} < ${filename}
I haven’t been able to test mailx/this xlate, as the connection to our Exchange server hasn’t been made yet. As soon as I can test this, I will let you know. But according to the man pages, it should work.
Zuyderland Medisch Centrum; Heerlen/Sittard; The Netherlands