editing master site items (hl7,scripts,etc.) from another site

Clovertech Forums Cloverleaf editing master site items (hl7,scripts,etc.) from another site

  • Creator
  • #118529

      Anyone know how to do this?  According the documentation it’s possible via network configurator but I can’t locate it.


      Reading/editing master site objects from another site

      <p class=”- topic/p p”>With this enhancement, you can:</p>

      <ul id=”ul_k5y_ycg_53b” class=”- topic/ul ul”>
      <li class=”- topic/li li”>Edit the master site from a site.
      <li class=”- topic/li li”>Edit master site objects from other sites.
      <li class=”- topic/li li”>Open master site objects as read-only from other sites.

      <p class=”- topic/p p”>This is useful when you have a large number of production sites.</p>
      <p class=”- topic/p p”>You can also:</p>

      <ul id=”ul_cps_pdg_53b” class=”- topic/ul ul”>
      <li class=”- topic/li li”>Open a master site’s ($HCIMASTERSITEDIR) HL7 variants from a site ($HCISITE).
      <li class=”- topic/li li”>Open a variant that is located in the master site from the current site

      <p class=”- topic/p p”>These options and a menu that contains all entries from the master site are on the Network Configurator toolbar.</p>

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    • Author
      • #118546
        Peter Heggie

          We don’t have a master site, although I think we will try again to make it work with HACMP..

          Anyway, it may be within NetConfig in the Site Manager. In NetConfig, click on the View button on the toolbar. Click on Site Manager. In the resulting tree view, open up ‘Tcl Scripts”. When I do it, all the choices that show up have a green icon. I’m thinking that the green color indicates a local site object, and master site objects will be visible with a different color icon. That is just a guess. Can  you try it and post results?

          Peter Heggie

        • #119022
          Mike Strout

            Has anyone managed to get this to work? At my last job, we used symbolic links instead of a master site. At my new gig, they use a master site and I hate not being able to see and edit various user-created resources like tclprocs and such. However, we don’t want to move to the symlink option because it isn’t allowed in the new Infor-hosted Cloverleaf option.

            Mike Strout

            • #119024

                I opened a ticket about this a bit back and from what I understand this feature isn’t yet available even though it is included in the documentation.

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