echo to process log from Xlate

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  • Creator
  • #51189
    Troy Morton

      Is there a way to echo to the process log without performing an Xlate operation.  Like just one simple line where all I do is echo something to the process log?  I noticed that the Tcl sections are disabled on the Comment and Suppress functions.


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    • Author
      • #69113
        Jim Kosloskey


          I have a reusable xltp proc that does nothing but echo out what is in the XlateIn… lists (if a switch is set on).

          I use that to assist in debugging complex iterations and ifs.

          If you would like a copy email me.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #69114
          Gary Atkinson

            puts $xlateInVals

            puts $xlateOutVals

            They will show in the process log.

          • #69115
            Troy Morton

              I did it like this:

              Action: COPY

              Pre Tcl:  echo “My log message.”

              Source                                 Destination

              =Garbage                             @Garbage

              But still would be nice to just have an “ECHO” operation.   🙂

            • #69116
              Gary Atkinson

                Maybe in 5.9  8)

              • #69117
                Charlie Bursell

                  When I want to do just Tcl code in Xlate, e.g. init a variable, echo, etc.  I simply:

                  COPY @null => @null

                  It is also somewhat self documenting as it is obviously a no op

                • #69118
                  Bob Richardson


                    Another very useful debugging tool in an Xlate for CIS5.6 anyway

                    is the “deactivate/activate” logic feature.  Essentially, the actions are “Rem’d” or commented out.  (Look for REM in the Xlate file).

                    This allows you to turn off logic and turn it back on again.

                    Really helpful to find offending IF actions that fetch multiple values usually from applications that plug in ampersands (&) as data in an HL7 Version 2 message.

                  • #69119
                    Troy Morton

                      We’re still on 5.4.   🙁

                      But we should be on 5.6 by the end of this year.  That’s the plan, anyway!

                    • #69120
                      Rob Abbott

                        Not upgrading to 5.7? 🙂

                        Rob Abbott
                        Cloverleaf Emeritus

                      • #69121
                        Troy Morton

                          Well, it depends I think on the feedback we hear about 5.7.  Others on my team are much more in tune with the differences between 5.6 and 5.7.  I thought I heard mention of waiting for the first 5.7 patch before upgrading to that version.

                          Not that we don’t trust the developers, but everyone makes mistakes.  😉

                        • #69122

                          Troy, we are moving to 5.7 from 5.6 in a few weeks.

                          Also, you should have a couple of scripts that you, Jamin, and I wrote years ago called xlt_echo and xlt_puts. And of course a simple tcl fragment works like ‘puts @tmp’. With the tcl frag, you don’t even need anything at all in the inbound or outbound fields. We used the scripts so that the output would be consistant ang grep’able (“DEBUG: ….”).

                          -- Max Drown (Infor)

                        • #69123
                          Troy Morton

                            Unfortunately, I either didn’t keep any of that code we wrote, or I can’t find it.  I didn’t realize you could leave the input and output blank. I hadn’t tried that.  I’ll have to write a little xlt_echo proc for myself, that would be good practice.  I’m still on a little bit of a learning curve after coming back to the techie world.  But, man is it ever good to be back!

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