does DataDirect documentation exist?

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf does DataDirect documentation exist?

  • Creator
  • #52819
    John Boyles


      I’m attempting to connect to SQL Server from TCL (Unix box) using the “Data Direct” ODBC drivers. There is supposed to be documentation available on but I’m unable to find anything useful on this site.  Can anyone direct me to the actual technical documentation for the DataDirect ODBC drivers?  Unfortunately, all I’ve found on clovertech are links to the homepage which does not help.  Specifically, I need information about the handles for the supported datatypes for SQL Server and the meaning of some of the parameters meant to be passed to the various commands.


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    • Author
      • #75575
        Jim Kosloskey


          Go here:

          From here select the DataDirect Connect for ODBC.

          Now as far as any particulars related to what you would put in each SQL Command another source that is very valuable is the Microsoft site for ODBC.

          Personally I use very little of the actual SQL commands and instead invoke Stored Procedures from Cloverleaf using DataDirect ODBC Drivers.

          Thus I leave it up to the owner of the system to which I am conncting to decide what they want to do with the data and how to do it. I just get the data to them or from them.

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #75576
          John Boyles

            Thank you, Jim!  This is very helpful.

            In principle I agree with your approach completely.  A lot of what I’m being asked to do from the engine, splitting an HL7 message field by field and inserting the contents into several tables, would make more sense if done on SQL Server in a procedure.  

            Unfortunately, we’ve been asked to try it this way first.  Such is life.  =)

          • #75577
            Jim Kosloskey


              If you would like to discuss our methodology in case you ever get to the Stored Procedure point, email me.

              email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

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