Does ay have a tclproc to add value into a segment

Clovertech Forums Read Only Archives Cloverleaf Cloverleaf Does ay have a tclproc to add value into a segment

  • Creator
  • #53290
    Sebastien Bazile

      I’m having issues with my xlate so I’m having to write a new tcl proc to add “ADT” in MSH.3 for a client  and I can’t seem to have it worked out because of my lack of tcl knowledge. can anyone help.

      thank you.


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    • Author
      • #77165
        Jim Kosloskey

          I am not sure why you would need Tcl for that.

          Do you just want to add ADT to what is in MSH-3 or do you want to put ADT in MSH-3?

          email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

        • #77166
          Sebastien Bazile

            I want to put ADT in MSH.3

          • #77167
            Sebastien Bazile

              Right now, the MSH-3 field is empty and the vendor wants me to add “ADT” in field 3. I don’t have a working xlate so I can’t do a bulkcopy. So the only way I can do it is by writing a tcl proc and I’m not that knowledgeable.

              thank you

            • #77168
              Jim Kosloskey


                OK now I understand – you don’t have any Xlate at all. Probably no variants either. Also probably lacking vendor specifications.

                Sorry I don’t have something for you – we use the Xlate to build messages here. We reserve the use of Tcl for that which the Cloverleaf toolset will not do.

                Perhaps someone else has a proc you can use.

                email: 30+ years Cloverleaf, 60 years IT – old fart.

              • #77169
                Adriana Rodriguez


                  I’ve attached a proc to add ADT to MSH:3.  Hope this helps.

                • #77170
                  Adriana Rodriguez

                    FYI – The previously attached TCL proc description reads “This proc will change MSH:9” but the logic has been adjusted to code the MSH:3 field with ‘ADT’.

                  • #77171
                    Kevin Crist

                      Give this a whirl. just plug in the appropriate arguments.


                      # Name: tpsSetFieldValue.tcl
                      # Purpose: This tps tclproc sets the specified Field in the specified Segment
                      # to a specified Value.
                      # If the Segment or the Field Number are omitted, the message will be
                      # continued as is and an entry will be made in the engine log.
                      # If there are mutilple occurances of the segment, all of them will be
                      # modified.
                      # If the Field Value is omitted, the Segment/Field specified will be
                      # set to “”.
                      # If the segment does not exist in the message, the message will be
                      # continued and an entry will be put in the engine log.
                      # If the field does not exist in the message but the segment does,
                      # blank fields will be added to create the space for the field number
                      # specified.
                      # The field numbers start with 0, ie the 3rd field is field number 2.
                      # UPoC type: tps
                      # Args: tps keyedlist containing the following keys:
                      #       MODE    run mode (”start”, “run” or “time”)
                      #       MSGID   message handle
                      #       ARGS    user-supplied arguments:
                      # 1) The user specified Segment
                      # The key is SEGMENT
                      # 2) The user can specify the Field Number
                      # The key is FIELDNUM
                      # 3) The user can specify the Field Value
                      # The key is FIELDVAL
                      # Example arguments: {SEGMENT OBR} {FIELDNUM 25} {FIELDVAL F}
                      # This will force OBR-25 to a value of “F” for every message
                      # {SEGMENT OBR} {FIELDNUM 25} {FIELDVAL {}}
                      # This will force OBR-25 to be an empty field
                      # (you can not use “” for null)
                      # Returns: tps disposition list:
                      #          Continues the modified message
                      # OR
                      # Continues the Un-modified message (if bad ARGS passed in)
                      # Created: John Zalesak 04/15/2009

                      proc tpsSetFieldValue { args } {

                      # Get the Connection/Proc Name for Error/Debug Messages

                      global HciConnName
                      set myname “$HciConnName/[lindex [info level 1] 0]”
                      set nowis [clock format [clock scan now] -format “%D – %T”]

                      # Initialize Variables Used

                      set dispList [list] ;# Disposition List Returned to Engine

                      set fldSep “” ;# Field Seperator – get from MSH
                      set subSep “” ;# SubField Seperator – get from MSH
                      set repSep “” ;# Repeating Field Seperator – get from MSH

                      set SegName “” ;# User Supplied Segment to Change
                      set FieldNum 0 ;# User Supplied Field Num to Change
                      set FieldVal “” ;# User Supplied Value to set in Field Num

                      set segList [list] ;# Message Segments in List Form

                      set SegPos [list] ;# List of Seg Pos in segList that match
                      ;#  the User Supplied Segment Name

                      # Load in the arguments we need that were passed from the caller

                      keylget args MODE mode             ;# The mode the engine called from
                      keylget args ARGS.SEGMENT SegName ;# Segment Name
                      set SegName [string toupper $SegName] ;# Force to uppercase
                      keylget args ARGS.FIELDNUM FieldNum ;# Field Number to Change
                      keylget args ARGS.FIELDVAL FieldVal ;# Value to Set Field To

                      # Switch based on what mode the engine was in when it called the procedure

                       switch -exact — $mode {

                         run {
                          set mh [keylget args MSGID] ;# Get message handle from args
                         set dispList [list “CONTINUE $mh”] ;# Initialize to good message
                           set msg [msgget $mh] ;# Get a copy of the message

                           set fldSep [string index $msg 3] ;# Field Seperator
                           set subSep [string index $msg 4] ;# Sub-Field Seperator
                           set repSep [string index $msg 5] ;# Repeating Field Seperator

                      set segList [split $msg r] ;# Split message into segList

                      # Validate the user supplied values

                      if { $SegName == “” } {
                       echo n n
                       echo “==========================================================”
                        echo “:WARN – No Segement Name Was Supplied !”
                       echo “:WARN – Message Continued As Is.”
                       echo “:WARN – Here Is: $myname”
                       echo “:WARN – Now Is: $nowis”
                       echo $msg
                       echo “==========================================================”  
                       echo n n
                             return $dispList

                      if { $FieldNum == “” || $FieldNum == 0 } {
                       echo n n
                       echo “==========================================================”
                        echo “:WARN – Invalid or No Field Number Was Supplied !”
                        echo “:WARN – Field Number is: “$FieldNum””
                       echo “:WARN – Message Continued As Is.”
                       echo “:WARN – Here Is: $myname”
                       echo “:WARN – Now Is: $nowis”
                       echo $msg
                       echo “==========================================================”  
                       echo n n
                             return $dispList

                      # Find Position of Segement(s) – If missing -> Continue Message and Return

                      set SegPos [lsearch -all -regexp $segList “^$SegName”]

                      if { [lindex $SegPos 0] < 0 } {
                       echo n n
                       echo "=========================================================="
                        echo ":WARN – Segment "$SegName" Is Missing !"
                       echo ":WARN – Message Continued As Is."
                       echo ":WARN – Here Is: $myname"
                       echo ":WARN – Now Is: $nowis"
                       echo $msg
                       echo "=========================================================="  
                       echo n n
                             return $dispList

                      # Force the Segment/Field Value – Add Blank fields is Seg is too short.

                      foreach Seg $SegPos {
                      set fldList [split [lindex $segList $Seg] $fldSep]
                      set fldCnt [llength $fldList]

                      for { set flds $fldCnt } { $flds < [expr $FieldNum + 1] } { incr flds } {
                        lappend fldList {}
                        lset fldList $FieldNum $FieldVal
                        lset segList $Seg [join $fldList $fldSep]

                      # Recreate the message and store back at msg handle

                       set msg [join $segList r]  
                         msgset $mh $msg


                      start { }
                         time { }
                         shutdown { }
                         default {
                          echo ":WARN"
                          echo ":WARN ======================================"
                       echo ":WARN – tps called with invalid mode !"
                      echo ":WARN – Mode Is: $mode"
                      echo ":WARN – Here Is: $myname"
                      echo ":WARN – Now Is: $nowis"
                      echo ":WARN ======================================"
                      echo ":WARN"
                      } ;# End Switch

                      return $dispList

                      } ;# End Proc

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